Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 29-2262

Current with changes through the 2024 First Special Legislative Session
Section 29-2262 - Probation; conditions; court order; information accessible through criminal justice information system
(1) When a court sentences an offender to probation, it shall attach such reasonable conditions as it deems necessary or likely to insure that the offender will lead a law-abiding life. No offender shall be sentenced to probation if he or she is deemed to be a habitual criminal pursuant to section 29-2221.
(2) The court may, as a condition of a sentence of probation, require the offender:
(a) To refrain from unlawful conduct;
(b) To be confined periodically in the county jail or to return to custody after specified hours but not to exceed the lesser of ninety days or the maximum jail term provided by law for the offense;
(c) To meet his or her family responsibilities;
(d) To devote himself or herself to a specific employment or occupation;
(e) To undergo medical or psychiatric treatment and to enter and remain in a specified institution for such purpose;
(f) To pursue a prescribed secular course of study or vocational training;
(g) To attend or reside in a facility established for the instruction, recreation, or residence of persons on probation;
(h) To refrain from frequenting unlawful or disreputable places or consorting with disreputable persons;
(i) To possess no firearm or other dangerous weapon if convicted of a felony, or if convicted of any other offense, to possess no firearm or other dangerous weapon unless granted written permission by the court;
(j) To remain within the jurisdiction of the court and to notify the court or the probation officer of any change in his or her address or his or her employment and to agree to waive extradition if found in another jurisdiction;
(k) To report as directed to the court or a probation officer and to permit the officer to visit his or her home;
(l) To pay a fine in one or more payments as ordered;
(m) To pay for tests to determine the presence of drugs or alcohol, psychological evaluations, offender assessment screens, and rehabilitative services required in the identification, evaluation, and treatment of offenders if such offender has the financial ability to pay for such services;
(n) To perform community service as outlined in sections 29-2277 to 29-2279 under the direction of his or her probation officer;
(o) To be monitored by an electronic surveillance device or system and to pay the cost of such device or system if the offender has the financial ability;
(p) To participate in a community correctional facility or program as provided in the Community Corrections Act;
(q) To satisfy any other conditions reasonably related to the rehabilitation of the offender;
(r) To make restitution as described in sections 29-2280 and 29-2281; or
(s) To pay for all costs imposed by the court, including court costs and the fees imposed pursuant to section 29-2262.06.
(3) When jail time is imposed as a condition of probation under subdivision (2)(b) of this section, the court shall advise the offender on the record the time the offender will serve in jail assuming no good time for which the offender will be eligible under section 47-502 is lost and assuming none of the jail time imposed as a condition of probation is waived by the court.
(4) Jail time may only be imposed as a condition of probation under subdivision (2)(b) of this section if:
(a) The court would otherwise sentence the defendant to a term of imprisonment instead of probation; and
(b) The court makes a finding on the record that, while probation is appropriate, periodic confinement in the county jail as a condition of probation is necessary because a sentence of probation without a period of confinement would depreciate the seriousness of the offender's crime or promote disrespect for law.
(5) In all cases in which the offender is guilty of violating section 28-416, a condition of probation shall be mandatory treatment and counseling as provided by such section.
(6) In all cases in which the offender is guilty of a crime covered by the DNA Identification Information Act, a condition of probation shall be the collecting of a DNA sample pursuant to the act and the paying of all costs associated with the collection of the DNA sample prior to release from probation.
(7) For any offender sentenced to probation, the court shall enter an order to provide the offender's (a) name, (b) probation officer, and (c) conditions of probation to the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice which shall provide access to such information to law enforcement agencies through the state's criminal justice information system.

Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 29-2262

Laws 1971, LB 680, § 17; Laws 1975, LB 289, § 1; Laws 1978, LB 623, § 29; Laws 1979, LB 292, § 1; Laws 1986, LB 504, § 2; Laws 1986, LB 528, § 4; Laws 1986, LB 956, § 14; Laws 1989, LB 592, § 3; Laws 1989, LB 669, § 1; Laws 1990, LB 220, § 8; Laws 1991, LB 742, § 2; Laws 1993, LB 627, § 2; Laws 1995, LB 371, § 15; Laws 1997, LB 882, § 1; Laws 1998, LB 218, § 16; Laws 2003, LB 46, § 9; Laws 2006, LB 385, § 1; Laws 2010, LB 190, § 1; Laws 2015, LB 605, § 67; Laws 2016, LB 1094, § 17; Laws 2019, LB 340, § 1; Laws 2023, LB 50, § 10.
Amended by Laws 2023, LB 50,§ 10, eff. 9/2/2023.
Amended by Laws 2019, LB 340,§ 1, eff. 9/1/2019.
Amended by Laws 2016, LB 1094,§ 17, eff. 4/20/2016.
Amended by Laws 2015, LB 605,§ 67, eff. 8/30/2015.