N.J. Stat. § 47:1A-5

Current through L. 2024, c. 40.
Section 47:1A-5 - Times during which records may be inspected, examined, copied; access; copy fees
a. The custodian of a government record shall permit the record to be inspected, examined, and copied by any person during regular business hours; or in the case of a municipality having a population of 5,000 or fewer according to the most recent federal decennial census, a board of education having a total district enrollment of 500 or fewer, or a public authority having less than $10 million in assets, during not less than six regular business hours over not less than three business days per week or the entity's regularly-scheduled business hours, whichever is less; unless a government record is exempt from public access by: P.L.1963, c.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) as amended and supplemented; any other statute; resolution of either or both houses of the Legislature; regulation promulgated under the authority of any statute or Executive Order of the Governor; Executive Order of the Governor; Rules of Court; any federal law; federal regulation; or federal order. Prior to allowing access to any government record, the custodian thereof shall redact from that record any information which discloses the social security number, credit card number, personal telephone number, or driver license number of any person, or, in accordance with section 2 of P.L. 2021, c. 371 (C.47:1B-2), the home address, whether a primary or secondary residence, of any active, formerly active, or retired judicial officer, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or child protective investigator in the Division of Child Protection and Permanency, or, as defined in section 1 of P.L. 2021, c. 371 (C.47:1B-1), any immediate family member thereof; except for use by any government agency, including any court or law enforcement agency, in carrying out its functions, or any private person or entity acting on behalf thereof, or any private person or entity seeking to enforce payment of court-ordered child support; except with respect to the disclosure of driver information by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission as permitted by section 2 of P.L. 1997, c. 188 (C.39:2-3.4); and except that a social security number contained in a record required by law to be made, maintained or kept on file by a public agency shall be disclosed when access to the document or disclosure of that information is not otherwise prohibited by State or federal law, regulation or order or by State statute, resolution of either or both houses of the Legislature, Executive Order of the Governor, rule of court or regulation promulgated under the authority of any statute or executive order of the Governor. Except where an agency can demonstrate an emergent need, a regulation that limits access to government records shall not be retroactive in effect or applied to deny a request for access to a government record that is pending before the agency, the council or a court at the time of the adoption of the regulation.
(1) A copy or copies of a government record may be purchased by any person upon payment of the fee prescribed by law or regulation.

Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation and except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the fee assessed for the duplication of a government record embodied in the form of printed matter shall be $0.05 per letter size page or smaller, and $0.07 per legal size page or larger. Access to electronic records and non-printed materials shall be provided free of charge, but the public agency may charge for the actual costs of any needed supplies such as computer discs. No fee shall be charged if the request is completed by directing the requestor to the requested government record that is available on the public agency's website or the website of another public agency.

(2) No fee shall be charged to a victim of a crime for a copy or copies of a record to which the crime victim is entitled to access, as provided in section 1 of P.L.1995, c.23 (C.47:1A-1.1).
c. Whenever the nature, format, manner of collation, or volume of a government record embodied in the form of printed matter to be inspected, examined, or copied pursuant to this section is such that the record cannot be reproduced by ordinary document copying equipment in ordinary business size or involves an extraordinary expenditure of time and effort to accommodate the request, the public agency may charge, in addition to the actual cost of duplicating the record, a special service charge that shall be based upon the actual direct cost of providing the copy or copies, and such special service charge shall be reasonable. The custodian shall provide the requestor with an explanation for and an itemized list of the fees or charges.

The requestor shall have the opportunity to review and object to any fee or charge prior to it being incurred. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that the fees or charges presented by the custodian are reasonable. If the requestor objects to the fees or charges, the burden of proof shall be on the requestor to demonstrate that the fees or charges are unreasonable.

d. A custodian shall permit access to a government record and provide a copy thereof in the medium or format requested if the public agency maintains the record in that medium or format. If the public agency does not maintain the record in the medium or format requested, the custodian shall convert the record to the medium or format requested, if the medium or format is available to the public agency and does not require a substantial amount of manipulation or programming of information technology or the services of a third-party vendor. If the public agency converts the record to the medium or format requested, the agency may charge, in addition to the actual cost of duplication, a special service fee that shall be reasonable and shall be based on the cost for any extensive use of information technology, or for the labor cost of personnel providing the service, that is actually incurred by the agency or attributable to the agency for the programming, clerical, and supervisory assistance required, or both. If the public agency does not maintain the record in the electronic medium or format requested, and the medium or format is not available to the public agency without a substantial amount of manipulation or programming of information technology, the custodian shall be under no obligation to convert the record to the electronic medium or format requested but shall, at a minimum, provide a copy in the electronic format maintained by the public agency.
e. Immediate access ordinarily shall be granted to budgets, bills, vouchers, contracts, including collective negotiations agreements and individual employment contracts, and public employee salary and overtime information. Immediate access to government records shall not be required to be granted for documents over 24 months old.

Government records shall be made available to the public on a publicly available website to the extent feasible. A public agency may enter into shared services agreements for providing certain government records electronically.

If the government record in a complete and unabridged form is readily available on a public agency's website, the custodian may require the requestor to obtain the record from the website, which shall contain a search bar feature on its home page. The custodian shall provide the requestor with directions to assist in finding the record on the website, including providing the website URL address and the location on the website of the search bar, menu button, tab, link, landing page, or equivalent, which contains the requested record. If the requestor does not respond to the custodian within seven business days of the custodian providing information about a record on the public agency's website, the request shall be deemed fulfilled unless the version of the government record on the public agency's website fails to contain non-protected information contained in the original record, in which case the custodian shall produce the original version of the record subject to any redactions required by law. If, after the custodian has provided instructions on how to find a record on a public agency's website, the requestor is unable to find the record upon making a good faith effort to locate the record on the website, the requestor shall notify the custodian within seven business days of the custodian providing the information. Upon receiving such a request for assistance from a requestor, the custodian shall make a reasonable attempt to assist the requestor in finding the record on the website within seven business days of the requestor notifying the custodian. If the requestor is still unable to locate the record and requests a physical copy, the custodian shall provide the requestor with a physical copy of the record for a fee not exceeding two times the cost of the production of the document. The custodian shall provide the requestor with the physical copy of the record within seven business days of the request for a physical copy.

f. The custodian of a public agency shall adopt the form established by the Government Records Council pursuant to subsection b. of section 8 of P.L. 2001, c. 404 (C.47:1A-7),for the use of any person who requests access to a government record held or controlled by the public agency. The form shall provide space for the name, address, email address and telephone number of the requestor and a brief description of the government record sought. A request shall be submitted by a requestor in the form adopted by the custodian and the custodian may deny a request that is incomplete, except that a requestor indicating the request is being submitted anonymously shall not be grounds for denial. A completed form adopted by the custodian, a letter, or an email from a requestor including all of the information required on the adopted form shall suffice in place of a completed form as a valid government record request. If the letter or email from a requestor includes substantially more information than required on the adopted form and requires more than reasonable effort to clarify the information, the custodian may deny the request. If a letter or an email from a requestor does not include all of the information required on the adopted form, the custodian may deny the record request. A request may be submitted anonymously provided, however, that anonymous requestors shall not be permitted to institute proceedings pursuant to section 7 of P.L. 2001, c. 404 (C.47:1A-6). A request that is submitted anonymously shall not be considered incomplete.

The form also shall include space for a requestor to certify whether the government record will be used by that requestor or another person for a commercial purpose, and the requestor shall be required to provide this information for the request to be fulfilled.

The form shall include space for the custodian to indicate which record will be made available, when the record will be available, and the fees to be charged. The form shall also include the following:

(1) specific directions and procedures for requesting a record;
(2) a statement as to whether prepayment of fees or a deposit is required;
(3) the time period within which the public agency is required by P.L.1963, c.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) as amended and supplemented, to make the record available;
(4) a statement of the requestor's right to challenge a decision by the public agency to deny access and the procedure for filing an appeal;
(5) space for the custodian to list reasons if a request is denied in whole or in part;
(6) space for the requestor to sign and date the form;
(7) space for the custodian to sign and date the form if the request is fulfilled or denied. The custodian may require a deposit against costs for reproducing documents sought through a request whenever the custodian anticipates that the information thus requested will cost in excess of $5 to reproduce.

Custodians who have adopted electronic government record request forms shall provide directions on how to submit requests for government records, including any required forms, on the public agency's website.

Custodians shall be permitted to provide an electronic response to any electronic records request if government records are available electronically.

g. A request for access to a government record shall be in writing and hand-delivered, mailed, transmitted electronically, or otherwise conveyed to the appropriate custodian. A public agency may make available to the public on its website an online form, portal, or software for transmitting requests electronically. The form established by the Government Records Council, pursuant to subsection b. of section 8 of P.L. 2001, c. 404 (C.47:1A-7), may be submitted electronically or by fax. Each submission of a government record request form or an email record request shall be made to the custodian of not more than one public agency. Submission of repeated requests to multiple custodians in the same public agency for the same record, while an identical or substantially similar request is pending in the agency, shall permit the custodian to deny the request.

A custodian shall promptly comply with a request to inspect, examine, copy, or provide a copy of a government record. If the custodian is unable to comply with a request for access, the custodian shall indicate the specific basis therefor on the request form and promptly return it to the requestor. The custodian shall sign and date the form and provide the requestor with a copy thereof. If the custodian of a government record asserts that part of a particular record is exempt from public access pursuant to P.L.1963, c.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) as amended and supplemented, the custodian shall delete or excise from a copy of the record that portion which the custodian asserts is exempt from access and shall promptly permit access to the remainder of the record. If a request for access to a government record would substantially disrupt agency operations, the custodian may deny access to the record after informing the requestor of the potential disruption to agency operations and attempting to reach a reasonable solution with the requestor that accommodates the interests of the requestor and the agency.

A party to a legal proceeding may not request a government record if the record sought is the subject of a court order, including a pending discovery request, and a custodian shall not be required to complete such a request. The requestor shall be required to certify whether the government record is being sought in connection with a legal proceeding and identify the proceeding for the request to be fulfilled. For purposes of this provision, a party to a legal proceeding shall include a party subject to a court order, any attorney representing that party, and any person acting as an agent for or on behalf of that party. Nothing in this paragraph shall bar a request for a government record filed by a labor organization or by a contractor signatory to a collective bargaining agreement seeking information material to the enforcement of State or federal statutes or regulations regarding, but not limited to, wage and hour protections, workplace safety, or public procurement and public bidding, including, but not limited to, requests for certified payrolls or information about all bids submitted in response to a public procurement process subsequent to the deadline for the submission of all bids for that solicitation, when the request by the labor organization or contractor signatory is not sought in connection with or in furtherance of discovery requests in a court proceeding.

A custodian shall not be required to complete a request, including for, but not limited to, mail, email, text messages, correspondence, or social media postings and messages, if the request does not identify a specific job title or accounts to be searched, a specific subject matter, and is not confined to a reasonable time period, or if the custodian determines that the request would require research and the collection of information from the contents of government records and the creation of new government records setting forth that research and information. It shall be sufficient for a requestor to identify specific individuals by the individual's job title and position.

h. Any officer or employee of a public agency who receives a request for access to a government record shall forward the request to the custodian of the record or direct the requestor to the custodian of the record. The request shall not be considered submitted until it is received by the custodian of records.
(1) Unless a shorter time period is otherwise provided by statute, regulation, or executive order, a custodian of a government record shall grant access to a government record or deny a request for access to a government record as soon as possible, but not later than seven business days after receiving the request, or 14 business days if the request is for a commercial purpose or if the records have to be reviewed by the public agency for the purpose of the agency's compliance with P.L. 2021, c. 371 (C.47:1B-1 et seq.), but the custodian shall notify the requestor of the additional response time within seven business days, provided that the record is currently available and not in storage or archived. The response time periods of seven or 14 business days, as established in this subsection, shall be an additional seven business days longer if the public agency is a fire district which employs one or fewer full-time employees who serve as custodians. If a commercial requestor would like to receive the record within seven business days, as established in this subsection, the custodian shall provide the requestor with a copy of the record and may charge a special service fee not exceeding two times the cost of the production of the record.

In the event a records custodian is unable to fulfill a records request due to unforeseen circumstances or circumstances that otherwise reasonably necessitate additional time to fulfill the records request, the custodian shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of any response deadline and shall notify the requestor of the time extension within seven business days after receiving the request.

In the event a custodian fails to respond within seven business days or 14 business days, as appropriate, after receiving a request, the failure to respond shall be deemed a denial of the request, unless the requestor has elected not to accurately identify themselves or to provide an accurate address, email address, or telephone number. If the requestor has elected not to accurately identify themselves or to provide an accurate address, email address, or telephone number, the custodian shall not be required to respond until the requestor contacts the custodian seeking a response to the original request.

If the government record is in storage or archived, the requestor shall be so advised within seven or 14 business days, as appropriate, after the custodian receives the request. The requestor shall be advised by the custodian when the record can be made available, which shall be no more than 21 business days from the date the requestor is so advised. If the record is not made available by that time, access shall be deemed denied.

A public agency shall not be considered to be in possession of a public record that is created, maintained, or received by another public agency and made available to the public agency either by remote access to a computer network or by distribution as a courtesy copy, unless the agency that created, maintained, or received the record resides within the judicial branch of the State Government. A records custodian of a public agency that receives a request for a record created, maintained, or received by another public agency shall not be obligated to provide the record to the requestor. In the event the custodian does not provide the record, the custodian shall direct the requestor within seven business days to the public agency that, to the best of their knowledge, created, maintains, or received the requested record, at which time the request shall be considered completed.

The custodian shall not be required to complete an identical request for access to a government record from the same requestor if the information has not changed. Nothing in this section shall prevent a requestor from filing periodic requests regarding regularly updated public records, including, but not limited to, certified payrolls, permits, and licensing applications.

A requestor shall have 14 business days to retrieve the government records following notice from the custodian that the request has been completed and the records are available.

(2) During a period declared pursuant to the laws of this State as a state of emergency, public health emergency, or state of local disaster emergency, the deadlines by which to respond to a request for, or grant or deny access to, a government record under paragraph (1) of this subsection or subsection e. of this section shall not apply, provided, however, that the custodian of a government record shall make a reasonable effort, as the circumstances permit, to respond to a request for access to a government record within seven business days or 14 business days, as appropriate, or as soon as possible thereafter.
j. A custodian shall include information on the public agency's website and public records request form regarding a requestor's right to appeal a denial of, or failure to provide, access to a government record and the procedure by which an appeal may be filed, which shall include the website address and toll-free information line phone number of the Government Records Council.
k. The files maintained by the Office of the Public Defender that relate to the handling of any case shall be considered confidential and shall not be open to inspection by any person unless authorized by law, court order, or the State Public Defender.

N.J.S. § 47:1A-5

Amended by L. 2024, c. 16,s. 2, eff. 9/3/2024.
Amended by L. 2023 , c. 113, s. 2, eff. 8/1/2024.
Amended by L. 2021 , c. 371, s. 11, eff. 1/12/2022, app. retroactively to 12/10/2021.
Amended by L. 2021 , c. 24, s. 2, eff. 2/22/2021, app. retroactively to 11/20/2020.
Amended by L. 2020 , c. 125, s. 2, eff. 11/20/2020.
Amended by L. 2020 , c. 10, s. 1, eff. 3/20/2020.
Amended by L. 2014 , c. 19,s. 3, eff. 11/1/2014.
Amended by L. 2010 , c. 75,s. 5, eff. 9/10/2010, op. 11/9/2010.
L. 2001 , c. 404, s. 6, eff. July 7, 2002.