Mo. Rev. Stat. § 302.304

Current with changes from the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 302.304 - Notice of points - suspension or revocation of license, when, duration - reinstatement, condition, point reduction, fee - failure to maintain proof of financial responsibility, effect - point reduction prior to conviction, effect - surrender of license - reinstatement of license when drugs or alcohol involved, assignment recommendation, judicial review - fees for program - supplemental fees
1. The director shall notify by ordinary mail any operator of the point value charged against the operator's record when the record shows four or more points have been accumulated in a twelve-month period.
2. In an action to suspend or revoke a license or driving privilege under this section points shall be accumulated on the date of conviction. No case file of any conviction for a driving violation for which points may be assessed pursuant to section 302.302 may be closed until such time as a copy of the record of such conviction is forwarded to the department of revenue.
3. The director shall suspend the license and driving privileges of any person whose driving record shows the driver has accumulated eight points in eighteen months.
4. The license and driving privilege of any person whose license and driving privilege have been suspended under the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.540 except those persons whose license and driving privilege have been suspended under the provisions of subdivision (8) of subsection 1 of section 302.302 or has accumulated sufficient points together with a conviction under subdivision (10) of subsection 1 of section 302.302 and who has filed proof of financial responsibility with the department of revenue, in accordance with chapter 303, and is otherwise eligible, shall be reinstated as follows:
(1) In the case of an initial suspension, thirty days after the effective date of the suspension;
(2) In the case of a second suspension, sixty days after the effective date of the suspension;
(3) In the case of the third and subsequent suspensions, ninety days after the effective date of the suspension.

Unless proof of financial responsibility is filed with the department of revenue, a suspension shall continue in effect for two years from its effective date.

5. The period of suspension of the driver's license and driving privilege of any person under the provisions of subdivision (8) of subsection 1 of section 302.302 or who has accumulated sufficient points together with a conviction under subdivision (10) of subsection 1 of section 302.302 shall be thirty days, followed by a sixty-day period of restricted driving privilege as defined in section 302.010. Upon completion of such period of restricted driving privilege, upon compliance with other requirements of law and upon filing of proof of financial responsibility with the department of revenue, in accordance with chapter 303, the license and driving privilege shall be reinstated. If a person, otherwise subject to the provisions of this subsection, files proof of installation with the department of revenue that any vehicle operated by such person is equipped with a functioning, certified ignition interlock device, there shall be no period of suspension. However, in lieu of a suspension the person shall instead complete a ninety-day period of restricted driving privilege. If the person fails to maintain such proof of the device with the director of revenue as required, the restricted driving privilege shall be terminated. Upon completion of such ninety-day period of restricted driving privilege, upon compliance with other requirements of law, and upon filing of proof of financial responsibility with the department of revenue, in accordance with chapter 303, the license and driving privilege shall be reinstated. However, if the monthly monitoring reports during such ninety-day period indicate that the ignition interlock device has registered a confirmed blood alcohol concentration level above the alcohol setpoint established by the department of transportation or such reports indicate that the ignition interlock device has been tampered with or circumvented, then the license and driving privilege of such person shall not be reinstated until the person completes an additional thirty-day period of restricted driving privilege.
6. If the person fails to maintain proof of financial responsibility in accordance with chapter 303, or, if applicable, if the person fails to maintain proof that any vehicle operated is equipped with a functioning, certified ignition interlock device installed pursuant to subsection 5 of this section, the person's driving privilege and license shall be resuspended.
7. The director shall revoke the license and driving privilege of any person when the person's driving record shows such person has accumulated twelve points in twelve months or eighteen points in twenty-four months or twenty-four points in thirty-six months. The revocation period of any person whose license and driving privilege have been revoked under the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.540 and who has filed proof of financial responsibility with the department of revenue in accordance with chapter 303 and is otherwise eligible, shall be terminated by a notice from the director of revenue after one year from the effective date of the revocation. Unless proof of financial responsibility is filed with the department of revenue, except as provided in subsection 2 of section 302.541, the revocation shall remain in effect for a period of two years from its effective date. If the person fails to maintain proof of financial responsibility in accordance with chapter 303, the person's license and driving privilege shall be rerevoked. Any person whose license and driving privilege have been revoked under the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.540 shall, upon receipt of the notice of termination of the revocation from the director, pass the complete driver examination and apply for a new license before again operating a motor vehicle upon the highways of this state.
8. If, prior to conviction for an offense that would require suspension or revocation of a person's license under the provisions of this section, the person's total points accumulated are reduced, pursuant to the provisions of section 302.306, below the number of points required for suspension or revocation pursuant to the provisions of this section, then the person's license shall not be suspended or revoked until the necessary points are again obtained and accumulated.
9. If any person shall neglect or refuse to surrender the person's license, as provided herein, the director shall direct the state highway patrol or any peace or police officer to secure possession thereof and return it to the director.
10. Upon the issuance of a reinstatement or termination notice after a suspension or revocation of any person's license and driving privilege under the provisions of sections 302.010 to 302.540, the accumulated point value shall be reduced to four points, except that the points of any person serving as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States outside the limits of the United States during a period of suspension or revocation shall be reduced to zero upon the date of the reinstatement or termination of notice. It shall be the responsibility of such member of the Armed Forces to submit copies of official orders to the director of revenue to substantiate such overseas service. Any other provision of sections 302.010 to 302.540 to the contrary notwithstanding, the effective date of the four points remaining on the record upon reinstatement or termination shall be the date of the reinstatement or termination notice.
11. No credit toward reduction of points shall be given during periods of suspension or revocation or any period of driving under a limited driving privilege granted by a court or the director of revenue.
12. Any person or nonresident whose license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle in this state has been suspended or revoked under this or any other law shall, before having the license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle reinstated, pay to the director a reinstatement fee of twenty dollars which shall be in addition to all other fees provided by law.
13. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, if after two years from the effective date of any suspension or revocation issued under this chapter, except any suspension or revocation issued under section 302.410, 302.462, or 302.574, the person or nonresident has not paid the reinstatement fee of twenty dollars, the director shall reinstate such license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle in this state. Any person who has had his or her license suspended or revoked under section 302.410, 302.462, or 302.574, shall be required to pay the reinstatement fee.
14. No person who has had a license to operate a motor vehicle suspended or revoked as a result of an assessment of points for a violation under subdivision (8), (9) or (10) of subsection 1 of section 302.302 shall have that license reinstated until such person has participated in and successfully completed a substance abuse traffic offender program defined in section 302.010, or a program determined to be comparable by the department of mental health. Assignment recommendations, based upon the needs assessment as described in subdivision (24) of section 302.010, shall be delivered in writing to the person with written notice that the person is entitled to have such assignment recommendations reviewed by the court if the person objects to the recommendations. The person may file a motion in the associate division of the circuit court of the county in which such assignment was given, on a printed form provided by the state courts administrator, to have the court hear and determine such motion pursuant to the provisions of chapter 517. The motion shall name the person or entity making the needs assessment as the respondent and a copy of the motion shall be served upon the respondent in any manner allowed by law. Upon hearing the motion, the court may modify or waive any assignment recommendation that the court determines to be unwarranted based upon a review of the needs assessment, the person's driving record, the circumstances surrounding the offense, and the likelihood of the person committing a like offense in the future, except that the court may modify but may not waive the assignment to an education or rehabilitation program of a person determined to be a prior or persistent offender as defined in section 577.001 or of a person determined to have operated a motor vehicle with fifteen-hundredths of one percent or more by weight in such person's blood. Compliance with the court determination of the motion shall satisfy the provisions of this section for the purpose of reinstating such person's license to operate a motor vehicle. The respondent's personal appearance at any hearing conducted pursuant to this subsection shall not be necessary unless directed by the court.
15. The fees for the program authorized in subsection 14 of this section, or a portion thereof to be determined by the department of mental health, shall be paid by the person enrolled in the program. Any person who is enrolled in the program shall pay, in addition to any fee charged for the program, a supplemental fee in an amount to be determined by the department of mental health for the purposes of funding the substance abuse traffic offender program defined in section 302.010 or a program determined to be comparable by the department of mental health. The administrator of the program shall remit to the division of alcohol and drug abuse of the department of mental health on or before the fifteenth day of each month the supplemental fee for all persons enrolled in the program, less two percent for administrative costs. Interest shall be charged on any unpaid balance of the supplemental fees due the division of alcohol and drug abuse pursuant to this section and shall accrue at a rate not to exceed the annual rate established pursuant to the provisions of section 32.065, plus three percentage points. The supplemental fees and any interest received by the department of mental health pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the mental health earnings fund which is created in section 630.053.
16. Any administrator who fails to remit to the division of alcohol and drug abuse of the department of mental health the supplemental fees and interest for all persons enrolled in the program pursuant to this section shall be subject to a penalty equal to the amount of interest accrued on the supplemental fees due the division pursuant to this section. If the supplemental fees, interest, and penalties are not remitted to the division of alcohol and drug abuse of the department of mental health within six months of the due date, the attorney general of the state of Missouri shall initiate appropriate action of the collection of said fees and interest accrued. The court shall assess attorney fees and court costs against any delinquent program.
17. Any person who has had a license to operate a motor vehicle suspended or revoked as a result of an assessment of points for a conviction for an intoxication-related traffic offense as defined under section 577.001, and who has a prior alcohol-related enforcement contact as defined under section 302.525, shall be required to file proof with the director of revenue that any motor vehicle operated by the person is equipped with a functioning, certified ignition interlock device as a required condition of reinstatement of the license. The ignition interlock device shall further be required to be maintained on all motor vehicles operated by the person for a period of not less than six months immediately following the date of reinstatement. If the monthly monitoring reports show that the ignition interlock device has registered any confirmed blood alcohol concentration readings above the alcohol setpoint established by the department of transportation or that the person has tampered with or circumvented the ignition interlock device within the last three months of the six-month period of required installation of the ignition interlock device, then the period for which the person must maintain the ignition interlock device following the date of reinstatement shall be extended until the person has completed three consecutive months with no violations as described in this section. If the person fails to maintain such proof with the director, the license shall be resuspended or revoked and the person shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

§ 302.304, RSMo

Amended by 2015 Mo. Laws, SB 254,s A, eff. 1/1/2017.
Amended by 2014 Mo. Laws, SB 491,s A, eff. 1/1/2017.
Amended by 2013 Mo. Laws, SB 23,s A, eff. 3/3/2013.
L. 1961 p. 487, A.L. 1972 S.B. 651, A.L. 1973 S.B. 257, A.L. 1979 S.B. 484, A.L. 1983 S.B. 318 & 135, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1575 Revision, A.L. 1989 1st Ex. Sess. H.B. 3, A.L. 1991 S.B. 125 & 341 merged with H.B. 202 & 364, A.L. 1996 H.B. 773 merged with H.B. 1169 & 1271 merged with S.B. 722, A.L. 1999 S.B. 19, A.L. 2001 H.B. 302 & 38, A.L. 2002 H.B. 2062, A.L. 2003H.B. 600 , A.L. 2008S.B. 930 & A.947 , A.L. 2012S.B. 480
*Effective 10-01-13