Va. R. Sup. Ct. 5:21

As amended through September 26, 2024
Rule 5:21 - Special Rules Applicable to Certain Appeals of Right
(a)Appeals from the State Corporation Commission. -
(1) Applicability. Paragraph (a) of this Rule applies to all appeals from the State Corporation Commission and supersedes all other Rules except as otherwise specified herein.
(2) Party to the Commission Proceeding. For the purposes of paragraph (a), the Commission, the Attorney General, the applicant or petitioner, and every person who made an appearance in person or by counsel in a capacity other than as a witness at any hearing in any proceeding before the Commission are the parties to such proceeding. Any party who is aggrieved by any final order, judgment, or finding of the Commission, or part thereof, is entitled to an appeal to this Court upon perfecting the appeal as provided by paragraph (a). Upon the request of any party, the clerk of the Commission must prepare and certify a list of all parties (including their addresses and the names and addresses of their counsel) to a proceeding before the Commission. Service upon a party represented by counsel must be made upon his counsel.
(3) Notice of Appeal. No appeal from an order of the Commission will be allowed unless the aggrieved party files a notice of appeal in the office of the clerk of the Commission within 30 days after entry of the order appealed from. A copy of the notice of appeal must be mailed or delivered to each party to the Commission proceeding, including the Attorney General of Virginia, and an acceptance of such service or a certificate showing the date of delivery or mailing must be appended thereto. All appeals from the same order will be deemed to be a consolidated case for the purpose of oral argument in this Court unless this Court orders a severance for convenience of hearing.
(4) Record. The clerk of the Commission must prepare and certify the record as soon as possible after a notice of appeal is filed and must, as soon as it has been certified by him, transmit the record to the clerk of this Court within 4 months after entry of the order appealed from. In the event of multiple appeals in the same case or in cases tried together below, only one record need be prepared and transmitted.
(5) Contents of Record. The record on appeal from the Commission consists of all notices of appeal, any application or petition, all orders entered in the case by the Commission, the opinions, the transcript of any testimony received, and all exhibits accepted or rejected, together with such other material as may be certified by the clerk of the Commission to be a part of the record. The record must conform as nearly as practicable to the requirements of Rule 5:10.
(6) Petition for Appeal.
(i) Only a party who has filed a notice of appeal in compliance with paragraph (a)(3) of this Rule may file a petition for appeal. A party filing a notice of appeal may file a petition for appeal, accompanied by the prescribed filing fee, in the office of the clerk of this Court, as provided for in Rule 5:1B, within 120 days after entry of the final order, judgment or finding by the Commission and, prior to the filing of the petition must send a copy to every other party to the Commission proceeding.
(ii) Except as provided herein, the provisions of Rule 5:17 do not apply to a petition filed pursuant to this subparagraph. The petition for appeal must identify the order appealed from and the date of the order, contain assignments of error, and include the certificate required by Rule 5:17(i) (when filed through VACES, a petition for appeal need not contain a separate certificate as long as the information contained in subsection (i) is provided through the electronic filing process).
(iii) Oral argument on the petition will not be allowed nor will a brief in opposition be received. If the petition prays for a suspension of the effective date of the order appealed from, it must contain an assignment of error regarding the effective date of the order appealed from and such statements of the facts and argument as may be necessary for an understanding of this assignment of error. In that event, a brief in opposition will be received. The brief in opposition must be filed, as provided for in Rule 5:1B, within 15 days of the filing of the petition for appeal, may be no longer than 10 pages or 1,750 words, and may only address the assignment of error regarding the effective date of the order appealed from. Oral argument on the assignment of error regarding the effective date of the order appealed from may be granted.
(7) Assignments of Error. The assignments of error must be listed under a heading entitled "Assignments of Error." The assignments of error must clearly and concisely and without extraneous argument identify the specific errors in the rulings below upon which the party intends to rely. A clear and exact reference to the pages of the transcript, written statement of facts, or record where the alleged error has been preserved must be included with each assignment of error. Only errors so assigned will be noticed by this Court and no error not so assigned will be considered as grounds for reversal of the decision below. No ruling by the Commission will be considered as a basis for reversal unless an objection was stated with reasonable certainty at the time of the ruling, except for good cause shown or to enable this Court to attain the ends of justice. An assignment of error which merely states that the judgment is contrary to the law and the evidence is not sufficient.
(8) Award of Appeal. When the notice(s) of appeal, the record, and the petition(s) for appeal have been filed in the manner provided herein and within the time provided herein and by law, the clerk of this Court must forthwith enter an order docketing the appeal, requiring such bond as the clerk may deem proper. The clerk's action is subject to review by this Court.
(9) Notice of Participation in an Appeal. Within 21 days after an appeal from a Commission order has been docketed as provided in subparagraph (8), any party to the Commission proceeding who did not file a notice of appeal may file a notice of participation with the clerk of this Court. The notice must identify whether the party seeks to be an appellant or appellee. If there is more than one appellant, the notice of participation as an appellant must identify the specific appellant(s) with which the participating appellant will align. Participating parties must follow the briefing schedule and requirements of subparagraph 10, except that a participating party may not raise any additional assignments of error or cross-error. The notice of participation as appellant or appellee must be mailed or delivered to every other party to the Commission proceeding.

Every party who has not filed a notice of appeal or notice of participation, or having filed a notice of appeal does not file a petition as provided herein, will not be a party to the appeal and no further papers need be served on such party. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, a necessary party who does not file a notice of appeal, petition or notice of participation is deemed an appellee. The Commission need not file a notice of participation and will be deemed an appellee.

(10) Further Proceedings. Further proceedings in this Court must conform to Rules 5:23 through 5:38 provided that (i) the time within which the appellee may file with the clerk of this Court a designation of the additional parts of the record that the appellee wishes included in the appendix (Rule 5:32(b)) is extended to 30 days after the date of the certificate of the clerk of this Court, pursuant to Rule 5:23, has been awarded; and (ii) the time within which the opening brief of the appellant(s) must be filed in the office of the clerk of this Court is extended to 50 days after such date.
(11) Withdrawal or Settlement of Pending Appeal. A party who filed a notice of and petition for appeal may withdraw his appeal. Notice of withdrawal or settlement must conform to Rule 5:38. Settlement or withdrawal of an appeal terminates that appellant's appeal and any participating party aligned with that appellant is deemed to have withdrawn its participation in the settled or withdrawn appeal.
(b)Appeals from the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board or a Three-Judge Circuit Court Determination.
(1) Applicability. Paragraph (b) of this Rule applies to appeals from the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board, pursuant to Part 6, § IV, Paragraph 13-26 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, and to appeals from the decisions of a three-judge circuit court pursuant to Code § 54.1-3935. As used in this paragraph, "Respondent" is defined as the attorney who is appealing the decision of the disciplinary proceeding.
(2) Perfecting the Appeal.
(i) Provisions for Appeals from the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board. No appeal will be allowed under this paragraph unless the Respondent files a notice of appeal and assignments of error with the clerk of the Disciplinary System within 30 days after the Memorandum Order is served on the attorney by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the attorney's last address on record for membership purposes with the Virginia State Bar. At the same time the Respondent files a notice of appeal and assignments of error, a copy of the notice of appeal and assignments of error must be sent to the counsel for the Bar and the Attorney General of Virginia. The Respondent is responsible for filing a transcript in compliance with Rule 5:11. The date of the Memorandum Order is the date from which the time limits contained in Rule 5:11 will run. This action within the time prescribed is mandatory. Upon timely compliance with these rules, the Clerk of the Supreme Court will docket the appeal as provided in Rule 5:23.
(ii) Provisions for Appeals from a Three-Judge Circuit Court. No appeal will be allowed under this paragraph unless the Respondent files a notice of appeal and assignments of error with the clerk of the three-judge circuit court within 30 days after the entry of the final judgment and, at the same time, serves a copy of the notice of appeal and assignments of error on counsel for the Bar and the Attorney General of Virginia by any method authorized under Rule 1:12. The Respondent is responsible for filing a transcript in compliance with Rule 5:11. The date of the judgment is the date from which the time limits contained in Rule 5:11 will run. This action within the time prescribed is mandatory. Upon timely compliance with these rules, the Clerk of the Supreme Court will docket the appeal as provided in Rule 5:23.
(3) Record on Appeal. The clerk of the Disciplinary System or the clerk of the three-judge circuit court must compile and transmit the record as set out in Rules 5:10, 5:11, and 5:13. The clerk must immediately notify by certified mail the Respondent, and the Respondent's counsel, if any, and the Attorney General of the date the record is filed with the clerk of this Court. At the time the record is filed, the clerk must also notify the clerk of this Court and the Respondent whether the Attorney General or Bar Counsel will represent the interests of the Commonwealth as appellee.
(4) Time for Filing Briefs and Appendix. The parties must designate the contents of the appendix pursuant to the requirements of Rule 5:32 and the Respondent is responsible for filing the appendix pursuant to that Rule. The Respondent must file the opening brief in the office of the clerk of this Court within 40 days after the date the record is filed. The opening brief must contain assignments of error and references to the pages of the appendix, transcript, written statement, or record where each assignment of error was preserved. The brief of the appellee must be filed in the office of the clerk of this Court within 25 days after the filing of the Respondent's opening brief. The Respondent may file a reply brief within 14 days after the filing of the appellee's brief. All briefs and the appendix must conform to the provisions of Rules 5:26 through 5:32.
(5) Stay Pending Appeal. The Respondent may file a motion with the clerk of this Court requesting a stay pending appeal of an order suspending or revoking the Respondent's license. The Respondent must file four copies of the motion for stay along with a copy of the order imposing the suspension or revocation and a copy of the Respondent's notice of appeal, which must contain the date stamp of the clerk showing the date the notice of appeal was filed. Any order of Admonition or Public Reprimand is automatically stayed prior to or during the pendency of an appeal of the order.
(6) Procedure on Appeal. Except as provided in this paragraph, further proceedings will be as provided in this Court's procedure following the perfection of an appeal set out in Rules 5:23, 5:25, and Rules 5:33 through 5:38.
(c)Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission Proceedings. -

Procedure in the Supreme Court following proceedings before the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission will be as ordered or directed by the Court.

Va. Sup. Ct. 5:21

Amended by order dated April 30, 2010, effective 7/1/2010; amended by order dated November 1, 2012, effective 1/1/2013; amended by order dated January 31, 2014, effective immediately; amended by Order dated 1/31/2014; effective 1/31/2014; amended by order dated October 30, 2015, effective 1/1/2016; amended by order dated March 24, 2017, effective 7/1/2017; amended by order dated September 3, 2020, effective 9/3/2020; amended by order dated November 23, 2020, effective 3/1/2021; amended by order dated April 1, 2021, effective 6/1/2021; amended by order dated November 1, 2021, effective 1/1/2022.