Tex. R. App. P. 25.1

As amended through August 27, 2024
Rule 25.1 - Civil Cases
(a)Notice of Appeal. An appeal is perfected when a written notice of appeal is filed with the trial court clerk. If a notice of appeal is mistakenly filed with the appellate court, the notice is deemed to have been filed the same day with the trial court clerk, and the appellate clerk must immediately send the trial court clerk a copy of the notice.
(b)Jurisdiction of Appellate Court. The filing of a notice of appeal by any party invokes the appellate court's jurisdiction over all parties to the trial court's judgment or order appealed from. Any party's failure to take any other step required by these rules, including the failure of another party to perfect an appeal under (c), does not deprive the appellate court of jurisdiction but is ground only for the appellate court to act appropriately, including dismissing the appeal.
(c)Who Must File Notice. A party who seeks to alter the trial court's judgment or other appealable order must file a notice of appeal. Parties whose interests are aligned may file a joint notice of appeal. The appellate court may not grant a party who does not file a notice of appeal more favorable relief than did the trial court except for just cause.
(d)Contents of Notice. The notice of appeal must:
(1) identify the trial court and state the case's trial court number and style;
(2) state the date of the judgment or order appealed from;
(3) state that the party desires to appeal;
(4) state the court to which the appeal is taken unless the appeal is to either the First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals, in which case the notice must state that the appeal is to either of those courts;
(5) state the name of each party filing the notice;
(6) in an accelerated appeal, state that the appeal is accelerated and state whether it is a parental termination or child protection case or an appeal from an order certifying a child to stand trial as an adult, as defined in Rule 28.4;
(7) in a restricted appeal:
(A) state that the appellant is a party affected by the trial court's judgment but did not participate-either in person or through counsel-in the hearing that resulted in the judgment complained of;
(B) state that the appellant did not timely file either a postjudgment motion, request for findings of fact and conclusions of law, or notice of appeal; and
(C) be verified by the appellant if the appellant does not have counsel.
(8) state, if applicable, that the appellant is presumed indigent and may proceed without paying costs under Rule 20.1; and
(9) state whether the appeal involves a matter:
(A) brought by or against the state or a board, commission, department, office, or other agency in the executive branch of the state government, including a university system or institution of higher education;
(B) brought by or against an officer or employee of the state or a board, commission, department, office, or other agency in the executive branch of the state government arising out of that officer's or employee's official conduct; or
(C) in which a party to the proceeding challenges the constitutionality or validity of a state statute or rule and the attorney general is a party to the case.
(e)Notice of Notice. The notice of appeal must be served on all parties to the trial court's final judgment or, in an interlocutory appeal, on all parties to the trial court proceeding. At or before the time of the notice of appeal's filing, the filing party must also deliver a copy of the notice of appeal to each court reporter responsible for preparing the reporter's record.
(f) Trial Court Clerk's Duties. The trial court clerk must immediately deliver a copy of the notice of appeal to the appellate court clerk, to the trial judge, and to each court reporter responsible for preparing the reporter's record.
(g)Amending the Notice. An amended notice of appeal correcting a defect or omission in an earlier filed notice may be filed in the appellate court at any time before the appellant's brief is filed. The amended notice is subject to being struck for cause on the motion of any party affected by the amended notice. After the appellant's brief is filed, the notice may be amended only on leave of the appellate court and on such terms as the court may prescribe.
(h)Enforcement of Judgment Not Suspended by Appeal. The filing of a notice of appeal does not suspend enforcement of the judgment. Enforcement of the judgment may proceed unless:
(1) the judgment is superseded in accordance with Rule 24, or
(2) the appellant is entitled to supersede the judgment without security by filing a notice of appeal.

Tex. R. App. P. 25.1

Amended effective 9/1/2016; amended August 5, 2019, effective 9/1/2019; amended November 30, 2022, effective 6/1/2023; amended February 6, 2024, effective 9/1/2024; amended June 28, 2024, effective 9/1/2024.

Comment to 2023 change: Rule 25.1 is amended to implement Texas Family Code section 56.01(h-1).

Comment to 2024 change: Rule 25.1(d)(9) is adopted to implement Texas Government Code Section 22.220(d), which describes matters within the Fifteenth Court of Appeals' exclusive intermediate appellate jurisdiction. The addition is designed to assist the courts of appeals in the orderly transfer of cases and to assist parties in determining which court should hear their appeal.