N.C. R. App. P. 11

As amended through June 18, 2024
Rule 11 - Settling the Record on Appeal
(a)By Agreement. Within forty-five days after all of the transcripts that have been ordered according to Rule 7 are delivered (seventy days in capitally tried cases) or forty-five days after the last notice of appeal is filed or given, whichever is later, the parties may by agreement entered in the printed record settle a proposed record on appeal that has been prepared by any party in accordance with Rule 9 as the record on appeal.
(b)By Appellee's Approval of Appellant's Proposed Record on Appeal. If the record on appeal is not settled by agreement under Rule 11(a), the appellant shall, within the same times provided, serve upon all other parties a proposed record on appeal constituted in accordance with the provisions of Rule 9. Within thirty days (thirty-five days in capitally tried cases) after service of the proposed record on appeal upon an appellee, that appellee may serve upon all other parties a notice of approval of the proposed record on appeal, or objections, amendments, or a proposed alternative record on appeal in accordance with Rule 11(c). If all appellees within the times allowed them either serve notices of approval or fail to serve either notices of approval or objections, amendments, or proposed alternative records on appeal, appellant's proposed record on appeal thereupon constitutes the record on appeal.
(c)By Agreement, by Operation of Rule, or by Court Order After Appellee's Objection or Amendment. Within thirty days (thirty-five days in capitally tried cases) after service upon appellee of appellant's proposed record on appeal, that appellee may serve upon all other parties specific amendments or objections to the proposed record on appeal, or a proposed alternative record on appeal. Amendments or objections to the proposed record on appeal shall be set out in a separate document and shall specify any item(s) for which an objection is based on the contention that the item was not filed, served, submitted for consideration, admitted, or made the subject of an offer of proof, or that the content of a statement or narration is factually inaccurate. An appellant who objects to an appellee's response to the proposed record on appeal shall make the same specification in its request for judicial settlement. The formatting of the record on appeal and the order in which items appear in it are the responsibility of the appellant.

If any appellee timely serves amendments, objections, or a proposed alternative record on appeal, the record on appeal shall include each item that is either among those items required by Rule 9(a) or that is requested by any party to the appeal and agreed upon for inclusion by all other parties to the appeal. Additionally, if a party requests that an item be included in the record on appeal but not all other parties to the appeal agree to its inclusion, then that item shall be filed by the appellant in a volume captioned "Rule 11(c) Supplement" provided that any item not filed, served, submitted for consideration, or admitted, or for which no offer of proof was tendered, shall not be included in the record on appeal. Subject to the additional requirements of Rule 28(d), items in the Rule 11(c) supplement may be cited and used by the parties like any other component of the record on appeal.

If a party does not agree to the wording of a statement or narration required or permitted by these rules, there shall be no judicial settlement to resolve the dispute unless the objection is based on a contention that the statement or narration concerns an item that was not filed, served, submitted for consideration, admitted, or tendered in an offer of proof, or that a statement or narration is factually inaccurate. Instead, the objecting party is permitted to have inserted in the settled record on appeal a concise counter-statement. Parties are strongly encouraged to reach agreement on the wording of statements in records on appeal. Judicial settlement is not appropriate for disputes that concern only the formatting of a record on appeal or the order in which items appear in a record on appeal.

The Rule 11(c) supplement shall contain an index of the contents of the supplement, which shall appear as the first page thereof. The Rule 11(c) supplement shall be paginated as required by Rule 9(b)(4) and the contents should be arranged, so far as practicable, in the order in which they occurred or were filed in the trial tribunal. If a party does not agree to the inclusion or specification of an exhibit or transcript in the printed record, the printed record shall include a statement that such items are separately filed along with the supplement.

If any party to the appeal contends that materials proposed for inclusion in the record or for filing therewith pursuant to these rules were not filed, served, submitted for consideration, admitted, or made the subject of an offer of proof, or that a statement or narration permitted by these rules is not factually accurate, then that party, within ten days after expiration of the time within which the appellee last served with the appellant's proposed record on appeal might have served amendments, objections, or a proposed alternative record on appeal, may in writing request that the judge from whose judgment, order, or other determination appeal was taken settle the record on appeal. A copy of the request, endorsed with a certificate showing service on the judge, shall be filed forthwith in the office of the clerk of the superior court and served upon all other parties. Each party shall promptly provide to the judge a reference copy of the record items, amendments, or objections served by that party in the case.

The functions of the judge in the settlement of the record on appeal are to determine whether a statement permitted by these rules is not factually accurate, to settle narrations of proceedings under Rule 9(c)(1), and to determine whether the record accurately reflects material filed, served, submitted for consideration, admitted, or made the subject of an offer of proof, but not to decide whether material desired in the record by either party is relevant to the issues on appeal, non-duplicative, or otherwise suited for inclusion in the record on appeal.

The judge shall send written notice to counsel for all parties setting a place and a time for a hearing to settle the record on appeal. The hearing shall be held not later than fifteen days after service of the request for hearing upon the judge. The judge shall settle the record on appeal by order entered not more than twenty days after service of the request for hearing upon the judge. If requested, the judge shall return the record items submitted for reference during the judicial-settlement process with the order settling the record on appeal.

If any appellee timely serves amendments, objections, or a proposed alternative record on appeal, and no judicial settlement of the record is timely sought, the record is deemed settled as of the expiration of the ten-day period within which any party could have requested judicial settlement of the record on appeal under this Rule 11(c).

Provided that, nothing herein shall prevent settlement of the record on appeal by agreement of the parties at any time within the times herein limited for settling the record by judicial order.

(d)Multiple Appellants; Single Record on Appeal. When there are multiple appellants (two or more), whether proceeding separately or jointly, as parties aligned in interest, or as cross-appellants, there shall nevertheless be but one record on appeal. The proposed issues on appeal of the several appellants shall be set out separately in the single record on appeal and attributed to the several appellants by any clear means of reference. In the event multiple appellants cannot agree to the procedure for constituting a proposed record on appeal, the judge from whose judgment, order, or other determination the appeals are taken shall, on motion of any appellant with notice to all other appellants, enter an order settling the procedure, including the allocation of costs.
(e)Extensions of Time. The times provided in this rule for taking any action may be extended in accordance with the provisions of Rule 27(c).

N.c. R. App. P. 11

287 N.C. 671; 312 N.C. 803; 368 N.C. 1067; 324 N.C. 613; 327 N.C. 671; 345 N.C. 765; 347 N.C. 679; 354 N.C. 609; 358 N.C. 834; 361 N.C. 732; 363 N.C. 901; 369 N.C. 763; 371 N.C. 974; 375 N.C. 1034; 379 N.C. 694.
Amended November 17, 2020, effective 1/1/2021; amended 1/14/2021; amended October 13, 2021, effective 1/1/2022; amended June 18, 2024, effective 6/18/2024.