Haw. R. Pen. P. 16

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 16 - Discovery
(a) Applicability. Subject to subsection (d) of this rule, discovery under this rule may be obtained in and is limited to cases in which the defendant is charged with a felony, and may commence upon the filing in circuit court of an indictment, an information, or a complaint.
(b) Disclosure by the prosecution.
(1) Disclosure of matters within prosecution's possession. The prosecutor shall disclose to the defendant or the defendant's attorney the following material and information within the prosecutor's possession or control:
(i) the names and last known addresses of persons whom the prosecutor intends to call as witnesses in the presentation of the evidence in chief, together with any relevant written or recorded statements, provided that statements recorded by the prosecutor shall not be subject to disclosure;
(ii) any written or recorded statements and the substance of any oral statements made by the defendant, or made by a co-defendant if intended to be used in a joint trial, together with the names and last known addresses of persons who witnessed the making of such statements;
(iii) any reports or statements of experts, which were made in connection with the particular case or which the prosecutor intends to introduce, or which are material to the preparation of the defense and are specifically designated in writing by defense counsel, including results of physical or mental examinations and of scientific tests, experiments, or comparisons;
(iv) any books, papers, documents, photographs, or tangible objects which the prosecutor intends to introduce, or which were obtained from or which belong to the defendant, or which are material to the preparation of the defense and are specifically designated in writing by defense counsel;
(v) a copy of any Hawai'i criminal record of the defendant and, if so ordered by the court, a copy of any criminal record of the defendant outside the State of Hawi'i;
(vi) whether there has been any electronic surveillance (including wiretapping) of conversations to which the defendant was a party or occurring on the defendant's premises; and
(vii) any material or information which tends to negate the guilt of the defendant as to the offense charged or would tend to reduce the defendant's punishment therefor.
(2) Disclosure of matters not within prosecution's possession. Upon written request of defense counsel and specific designation by defense counsel of material or information which would be discoverable if in the possession or control of the prosecutor and which is in the possession or control of other governmental personnel, the prosecutor shall use diligent good faith efforts to cause such material or information to be made available to defense counsel; and if the prosecutor's efforts are unsuccessful the court shall issue suitable subpoenas or orders to cause such material or information to be made available to defense counsel.
(3) Definition. The term "statement" as used in subsection (b)(1)(i) and (c)(2)(i) of this rule means:
(i) a written statement made by the witness and signed or otherwise adopted or approved by the witness; or
(ii) a stenographic, mechanical, electrical or other recording, or a transcription thereof, which is a substantially verbatim recital of an oral statement made by the witness and recorded contemporaneously with the making of such oral statement.
(c) Disclosure by the defendant.
(1) Submission to tests, examinations or inspections. Upon written request of the prosecutor, the court may require the defendant:
(i) to perform reasonable acts or undergo reasonable tests for purposes of identification; and
(ii) to submit to reasonable physical or medical inspection or examination of the defendant's body.

Reasonable notice of the time and place for such tests, inspections or examinations shall be given by the prosecutor to the defendant and the defendant's counsel who shall have the right to be present.

(2) Disclosure of materials and information. The defendant shall disclose to the prosecutor the following material and information within the defendant's possession or control:
(i) the names and last known addresses of persons whom the defendant intends to call as witnesses, in the presentation of the evidence in chief, together with their relevant written or recorded statements, provided that discovery of alibi witnesses is governed by Rule 12.1, and provided further that statements recorded by the defendant's counsel shall not be subject to disclosure;
(ii) any reports or statements of experts, including results of physical or mental examinations and of scientific tests, experiments or comparisons, which the defendant intends to introduce as evidence at the trial or which were prepared by a witness whom the defendant intends to call at the trial when the results or reports relate to that witness' testimony;
(iii) any books, papers, documents, photographs, or tangible objects which the defendant intends to introduce as evidence at the trial.
(3) Disclosure of defenses. The court may require that the prosecutor be informed of the nature of any defense which defense counsel intends to use at trial; provided, that the defense of alibi is governed by Rule 12.1.
(d) Discretionary disclosure. Upon a showing of materiality and if the request is reasonable, the court in its discretion may require disclosure as provided for in this Rule 16 in cases other than those in which the defendant is charged with a felony, but not in cases involving violations.
(e) Regulation of discovery.
(1) Performance of obligations. Except for matters which are to be specifically designated in writing by defense counsel under this rule, the prosecution shall disclose all materials subject to disclosure pursuant to subsection (b)(1) of this rule to the defendant or the defendant's attorney within ten (10) calendar days following arraignment and plea of the defendant. The parties may perform their obligations of disclosure in any manner mutually agreeable to the parties or by notifying the attorney for the other party that material and information, described in general terms, may be inspected, obtained, tested, copied or photographed at specified reasonable times and places.
(2) Continuing duty to disclose. If subsequent to compliance with these rules or orders entered pursuant to these rules, a party discovers additional material or information which would have been subject to disclosure pursuant to this Rule 16, that party shall promptly disclose the additional material or information, and if the additional material or information is discovered during trial, the court shall also be notified.
(3) Custody of materials. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, any discovery material furnished to an attorney pursuant to these rules shall remain in the attorney's exclusive custody and be used only for the purposes of conducting the attorney's side of the case, and shall be subject to such other terms and conditions as the court may provide. The attorney may provide the defendant with a copy of any discovery material obtained if the attorney notifies the prosecutor in writing and files a copy of such intention with the court, and the prosecutor does not file a motion for protective order within 10 days of the receipt of the notice.
(4) Protective orders. Upon a showing of cause, the court may at any time order that specified disclosures or investigatory procedures be denied, restricted or deferred, or make such other order as is appropriate, provided that all material and information to which a party is entitled shall be disclosed in time to permit counsel to make beneficial use thereof. If a prosecution request for a protective order allowing the nondisclosure of witnesses for their personal safety is denied the prosecution shall have the right to an immediate appeal prior to trial of such denial, or in the alternative at its option, a right to take a deposition under Rule 15 of these Rules.
(5) Matters not subject to disclosure.
(i) Work product. Disclosure shall not be required of legal research or of records, correspondence, reports or memoranda to the extent that they contain the opinions, theories or conclusions of a party's attorney or members of the attorney's legal staff, provided that the foregoing shall not be construed to prohibit the disclosures required under section (c)(3) of this rule and Rule 12.1.
(ii) Informants. Disclosure of an informant's identity shall not be required where the informant's identity is a prosecution secret and a failure to disclose will not infringe the constitutional rights of the defendant. Disclosure shall not be denied hereunder of the identity of a witness intended to be produced at a hearing or trial.
(6) In camera proceedings. Upon request of any person, the court may permit any showing of cause for a denial or regulation of disclosures or any portion of such a showing to be made in camera. When some parts of certain material are discoverable under these rules and other parts are not discoverable, as much of the material shall then be disclosed as is consistent with these rules. If the court enters an order granting relief following a showing in camera, the entire record of such a showing, including any material excised pursuant to court order, shall be sealed, impounded and preserved in the records of the court to be made available to the reviewing court in the event of an appeal.
(7) Impeding investigations. Except as is otherwise provided as to matters not subject to disclosure and protective orders, a party's attorney, the attorney's staff or agents shall not advise persons having relevant material or information (except the defendant) to refrain from discussing the case with opposing counsel or showing opposing counsel any relevant material, nor shall they otherwise impede opposing counsel's investigation of the case.
(8) Duty to confer and requirement for filing of written stipulation. Counsel are required to confer concerning all disputed issues under this rule. Counsel for the moving party shall attach a certification of compliance with this requirement to any motion filed pursuant to this rule and shall also file a written stipulation of all pertinent matters agreed to as a result of the conferral.
(9) Sanctions.
(i) If at any time during the course of the proceedings it is brought to the attention of the court that a party has failed to comply with this rule or an order issued pursuant thereto, the court may order such party to permit the discovery, grant a continuance, or it may enter such other order as it deems just under the circumstances.
(ii) Willful violation by counsel of an applicable discovery rule or an order issued pursuant thereto may subject counsel to appropriate sanctions by the court.

Haw. R. Pen. P. 16

Amended February 28, 1983, effective 2/28/1983; further amended July 12, 1993, effective 8/26/1993; further amended November 12, 1993, effective 11/20/1993; further amended February 4, 2000, effective 7/1/2000; further amended June 16, 2000, effective 7/1/2000; further amended December 7, 2006, effective 1/1/2007; further amended February 10, 2011, effective 7/1/2011; further amended May 7, 2012, effective 6/18/2012.