N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 9 § 2524.5

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 41, October 9, 2024
Section 2524.5 - Grounds for refusal to renew lease or discontinue hotel tenancy and evict which require approval of the DHCR
(a) The owner shall not be required to offer a renewal lease to a tenant or continue a hotel tenancy, and shall file on the prescribed form an application with the DHCR for authorization to commence an action or proceeding to recover possession in a court of competent jurisdiction after the expiration of the existing lease term, upon any one of the following grounds:
(1) Withdrawal from the rental market. The owner has established to the satisfaction of the DHCR after a hearing, that he or she seeks in good faith to withdraw any or all housing accommodations from both the housing and nonhousing rental market without any intent to rent or sell all or any part of the land or structure and:
(i) that he or she requires all or part of the housing accommodations or the land for his or her own use in connection with a business which he or she owns and operates; or
(ii) that substantial violations which constitute fire hazards or conditions dangerous or detrimental to the life or health of the tenants have been filed against the structure containing the housing accommodations by governmental agencies having jurisdiction over such matters, and that the cost of removing such violations would substantially equal or exceed the assessed valuation of the structure.
(2) Demolition.
(i) The owner seeks in good faith to demolish the building. As part of the application, the owner shall submit proof of its financial ability to complete such undertaking to the DHCR, and that the plans for the undertaking have been approved by the appropriate city agency. Demolition shall mean the removal of the entire building including the foundation.
(ii) Terms and conditions upon which orders issued pursuant to this paragraph authorizing refusal to offer renewal leases may be based:
(a) The DHCR shall require an owner to pay all reasonable moving expenses and a stipend pursuant to subclause (3) of clause (b) of this subparagraph. It shall afford the tenant a reasonable period of time within which to vacate the housing accommodation. If the tenant vacates the housing accommodation on or before the date provided in the DHCR's final order, such tenant shall be entitled to receive moving expenses and all stipend benefits pursuant to clause (b) of this subparagraph. In addition, if the tenant vacates the housing accommodation prior to the required vacate date, the owner may also pay a stipend to the tenant that is larger than the stipend designated in subclause (3) of clause (b) of this subparagraph. However, at no time shall an owner be required to pay a stipend in excess of this amount. If the tenant does not vacate the housing accommodation on or before the required vacate date, the stipend shall be reduced by one sixth of the total stipend for each month the tenant remains in occupancy after such vacate date except if the eviction is stayed by the commencement of judicial review of DHCR's order including any appeals.
(b) The order granting the owner's demolition application shall provide that the owner must either:
(1) relocate the tenant to a suitable housing accommodation, as defined in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph, at the same or lower legal regulated rent in a closely proximate area, or in a new residential building if constructed on the site, in which case suitable interim housing shall be provided at no additional cost to the tenant; plus in addition to reasonable moving expenses, payment of a $ 5,000 stipend, provided the tenant vacates on or before the vacate date required by the final order;
(2) where an owner provides relocation of the tenant to a suitable housing accommodation at a rent in excess of that for the subject housing accommodation, in addition to the tenant's reasonable moving expenses, the owner may be required to pay the tenant a stipend equal to the difference in rent, at the commencement of the occupancy by the tenant of the new housing accommodation, between the subject housing accommodation and the housing accommodation to which the tenant is relocated, multiplied by 72 months, provided the tenant vacates on or before the vacate date required by the final order; or
(3) in addition to the tenant's moving expenses, pay the tenant a stipend which shall be the difference between the tenant's current rent and the average rent for vacant non-regulated apartments asset forth in the New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey as of the date of the determination. This difference is to be multiplied by 72 months. The stipend shall be increased each year by a guideline beginning the first year after the vacancy survey is issued and continuing until a new vacancy survey is issued.
(c) Wherever a stipend would result in the tenant losing a subsidy or other governmental benefit which is income dependent, the tenant may elect to waive the stipend and have the owner at his or her own expense, relocate the tenant to a suitable housing accommodation at the same or lower legal regulated rent in a closely proximate area.
(d) In the event that the tenant dies prior to the issuance by the DHCR of a final order granting the owner's application, the owner shall not be required to pay such stipend to the estate of the deceased tenant.
(e) Where the administrator's or commissioner's order granting the owner's application is conditioned upon the owner's compliance with specified terms and conditions, if such terms and conditions have not been complied with, or if DHCR determines that the owner has not proceeded in good faith, the order may be modified or revoked.
(f) Noncompliance by an owner with any term or condition of the administrator's or commissioner's order granting the owner's application may result in DHCR initiating its own enforcement proceeding. The DHCR shall retain jurisdiction for this purpose until all of the terms and conditions in the administrator's or commissioner's order granting the owner's application have been met and the project described in the owner's application has been completed. Subsequent owners shall be bound by the terms and conditions of DHCR's order. This clause shall not be deemed to eliminate any remedy or claim that a tenant of the dwelling unit may otherwise have against the owner nor eliminate any independent authority that DHCR may be able to exercise by law or regulation.
(g) An owner's failure to comply within a reasonable amount of time with any term or condition of the administrator's or commissioner's order granting the owner's application or an owner's failure to complete the project described in the owner's application may be found to be a violation of the RSL and the RSC and subject to any of the penalties and remedies described therein including but not limited to revocation of the administrator's or commissioner's order granting the owner's application and DHCR's continued jurisdiction under the RSL over the building or any subsequent construction. Any remedies and penalties prescribed by this Code shall apply to and be binding against subsequent owners.
(iii) Comparable housing accommodations and relocation. In the event a comparable housing accommodation is offered by the owner, a tenant may file an objection with the DHCR challenging the suitability of a housing accommodation offered by the owner for relocation within 10 days after the owner identifies the housing accommodation and makes it available for the tenant to inspect and consider the suitability thereof. Within 30 days thereafter, the DHCR shall inspect the housing accommodation, on notice to both parties, in order to determine whether the offered housing accommodation is suitable. Such determination will be made by the DHCR as promptly as practicable thereafter. In the event that the DHCR determines that the housing accommodation is not suitable, the tenant shall be offered another housing accommodation, and shall have 10 days after it is made available by the owner for the tenant's inspection to consider its suitability. In the event that the DHCR determines that the housing accommodation is suitable, the tenant shall have 15 days thereafter within which to accept the housing accommodation. A tenant who refuses to accept relocation to any housing accommodation determined by the DHCR to be suitable shall lose the right to relocation by the owner, and to receive payment of moving expenses or any stipend. "Suitable housing accommodations" shall mean housing accommodations which are similar in size and features to the respective housing accommodations now occupied by the tenants. Such housing accommodations shall be freshly painted before the tenant takes occupancy, and shall be provided with substantially the same required services and equipment the tenants received in their prior housing accommodations. The building containing such housing accommodations shall be free from violations of law recorded by the City agency having jurisdiction, which constitute fire hazards or conditions dangerous or detrimental to life or health, or which affect the maintenance of required services. The DHCR will consider housing accommodations proposed for relocation which are not presently subject to rent regulation, provided the owner submits a contractual agreement that places the tenant in a substantially similar housing accommodation at no additional rent for a period of six years, unless the tenant requests a shorter lease period in writing.
(3) Other grounds. The owner will eliminate inadequate, unsafe or unsanitary conditions and demolish or rehabilitate the dwelling unit pursuant to the provisions of article VIII, VIII-A, XIV, XV or XVIII of the PHFL, the Housing New York Program Act, or sections 8 and 17 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (National Housing Act), on the condition that the owner:
(i) proves that it has a commitment for the required financing;
(ii) proves that any rehabilitation requires the temporary removal of the tenant; and
(iii) agrees to offer and will offer the tenants the right of first occupancy following any rehabilitation at an initial rent as determined pursuant to the applicable law and subject to any terms and conditions established pursuant to applicable law and regulations.
(b) Election not to renew. Once an application is filed under this section, with notification to all, the owner may refuse to renew all tenants' leases until a determination affected tenants of the owner's application is made by the DHCR. For the purposes of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of this section, service of the application at any time shall be considered sufficient compliance with section 2524.2(c)(3) of this Part provided that no order may be issued less than 90 days from the date the last affected tenant's lease has expired. If such application is denied, or withdrawn, prospective renewal leases must be offered to all affected tenants within such time and at such guideline rates as directed in the DHCR order of denial or withdrawal.
(c) Terms and conditions upon which orders authorizing refusal to offer renewal leases may be based. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the DHCR shall require an owner to pay all reasonable moving expenses and shall further condition the order upon the payment of a reasonable stipend and/or the relocation of the tenant by the owner to a suitable housing accommodation at the same or lower regulated rent in a closely proximate area. If no such housing accommodation is available at the same or lower regulated rent, the owner may be required to pay the difference in rent between the subject housing accommodation and the new housing accommodation to which the tenant is relocated for such period as the DHCR determines, commencing with the occupancy of the new housing accommodation by the tenant.
(d) Any order granting an application pursuant to this section shall not provide for a stay of eviction which exceeds one year. In addition, where the order of the DHCR is conditioned upon the owner's compliance with specified terms and conditions, if such terms and conditions have not been complied with, the order may be modified or revoked.

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 9 § 2524.5

Amended New York State Register November 8, 2023/Volume XLV, Issue 45, eff. 11/8/2023