N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 9 § 1.12

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 41, October 9, 2024
Section 1.12 - Executive Order No. 12: [Appointing commissioners to investigate State and local activities relating to the aid, care and support of the needy.]


The maintenance of public confidence in the objectives and in the operation of the laws relating to the aid, care and support of the needy is an essential task for responsible government.

In such public confidence lies the hope of the unfortunate and this confidence depends upon the conviction of the people of the State that their tax dollars are expended in a manner best calculated to further the social and humanitarian purposes for which public assistance and care are authorized.

Programs for aid, care and support of the needy must not be permitted to falter or lose their purpose; they must always be the vigorous and compassionate instrument of the entire community for human betterment and social progress.

Existing laws and administrative procedure should be scrutinized, needless red tape wherever found should be eliminated, and any practices found which tend to discourage self-reliance should be revised.

There is also a need for a precise and impartial evaluation of information to dispel the misunderstanding and confusion which arise from a lack of knowledge or from misrepresentation as to the facts relating to the aid, care and support of the needy.

The State Constitution provides that

"The aid, care and support of the needy are public concerns and shall be provided by the State and by such of its subdivisions, and in such manner and by such means, as the Legislature may from time to time determine."

This principle is based upon the concept of individual dignity, fundamental to our State and Nation, and upon our concern for the well-being of the less fortunate. It must find expression in the effective administration of public welfare which assures that no willing and worthy person in need is deprived of assistance and which recognizes at the same time that any receipt of an undeserved benefit undermines the purposes of such assistance by damaging the public's confidence.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Nelson A. Rockefeller, pursuant to Section six of the Executive Law have appointed and by these presents do appoint S. Hazard Gillespie (Chairman), Mrs. Arthur C. Aulisi, Kenneth Bartlett, John A. Coleman, Sr., Manuel Goldman, Nelson C. Jackson, Gustave L. Levy, Baldwin Maull, Joseph Monserrat, Mrs. James S. Seymour and David Sullivan as Commissioners generally to study, examine, investigate, review and make recommendations with respect to the management and affairs of any department, board, bureau or commission of the State concerned with State and local activities relating to the aid, care and support of the needy and specifically the following matters:

(1) The suitability of the laws and of the practices and procedures relating to the aid, care and support of the needy to assure humane, efficient and economical welfare services to those in need.
(2) The impact of separate Federal, State and local laws, rules and regulations on the efficient and economical administration of programs of public assistance and care.
(3) The allocation of responsibility and authority in relation to programs of public assistance and care among local governments, the State Government and the Federal government.
(4) The existing organization plan of State and local governmental units administering public assistance and care.
(5) The allocation of the costs of public assistance and care.
(6) The role of vocational rehabilitation and retraining of recipients in programs of public assistance and care.
(7) The role of work relief in programs of public assistance and care as provided under existing State law.
(8) The coordination of job placement services with programs of public assistance and care as provided under existing State law.

The Commissioners are hereby empowered to subpoena and enforce the attendance of witnesses, to administer oaths and examine witnesses under oath and to require the production of any books, records or papers deemed relevant or material and I hereby give and grant to the Commissioners all and singular the powers and authorities which may be given or granted to persons appointed by me for such purpose under authority of Section six of the Executive Law.

Every State department, division, board, bureau and agency shall provide to the Commissioners every assistance, facility and cooperation which may be proper or desirable for the accomplishment of the purposes for which the Commissioners are hereby appointed.

The boards of supervisors and chief executive officers of all counties and the commissioners of public welfare for every county public welfare district, the mayors or other chief executive officers of all cities, towns and villages and the commissioners of public welfare for every city or town public welfare district, the district attorneys for each of the counties in the State, the sheriffs in such counties, the commissioners of police or persons having comparable title or duties exercising supervision of police forces within the State are called upon to cooperate and make available every reasonable facility and assistance to the Commissioners in the performance of their duties.

Signed: Nelson A. Rockefeller

Dated: August 30, 1961

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. Tit. 9 § 1.12