7 C.F.R. § 1962.4

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 1962.4 - Definitions

As used in this subpart, the following definitions apply:

Abandonment. Voluntary relinquishment by the borrower of control of security or EO property without providing for its care.

Acquired chattel property. Former security or EO property of which the government has become the owner (See § 1955.20 of Subpart A of Part 1955 of this chapter).

Basic security. Consists of all equipment serving as security for Rural Development loans. It also consists of real estate and all foundation herds and flocks, including replacements, which serve as a basis for the farming operation outlined in the Farm and Home Plan or yearly budget which serve as security for Rural Development. With respect to livestock herds and flocks, animals that are sold as a result of the normal culling process are basic security unless the borrower has replacements that will keep numbers and production up to planned levels. However, if a borrower plans to make a significant reduction in his basic livestock herd or flocks, the animals or birds that are sold in making this reduction will be considered basic security.

Borrower. When a loan is made to an individual, the individual is the borrower. When a loan is made to an entity, the cooperative, corporation, partnership or joint operation is the borrower.

Chattel security. Chattel property which may consist of, but is not limited to, inventory; accounts; contract rights; general intangibles; crops; livestock; fish; farm, business, and recreational equipment; and supplies, and which is covered by financing statements and security agreements, chattel mortgages, and other security instruments.

Civil action. Court proceedings to protect Rural Development's financial interests such as obtaining possession of property from borrowers or third parties, judgments on indebtedness evidenced by notes or other contracts or judgments for the value of converted property, or judicial foreclosure. Bankruptcy and similar proceedings to impound and distribute the bankrupt's assets to creditors and probate and similar proceedings to settle and distribute estates of incompetents or of decendents under a will, or otherwise, and pay claims of creditors are not included.

Criminal action. Prosecution by the United States to exact punishment in the form of fines or imprisonment for alleged violations of criminal statutes. These include but are not limited to violations such as:

Unauthorized sale of security.

Purchase of security with intent to defraud and without payment of the purchase price to Rural Development;

Falsification of assets or liabilities in loan applications;

Application for a loan for an authorized purpose with intent to use and use of loan funds for an unauthorized purpose;

Decision after obtaining a loan to use and using the funds for an unauthorized purpose and then making false statements regarding their use;

By scheme, trick, or other device, covering up or concealing misuse of funds or authorized dispositions of security or EO property or other illegal action; or

Any other false statements or representations relating to Rural Development matters. To establish that a criminal act was committed by selling EO property, it is necessary to show that the borrower, at the time the loan agreement or the check on the supervised bank account was signed, intended to sell the property in violation of the loan agreement. The Federal criminal statute of limitations bars institution of criminal action 5 years after the date the act was committed. Unauthorized disposition of even minor items by the borrower will be considered criminal violations.

Default. Failure of the borrower to observe the agreements with Rural Development as contained in notes, security instruments, and similar or related instruments. Some examples of default or factors to consider in determining whether a borrower is in default are when a borrower:

Is delinquent, and the borrower's refusal or inability to pay on schedule, or as agreed upon, is due to lack of diligence, lack of sound farming or other operation, or other circumstances within the borrower's control.

Ceases to conduct farming or other operations for which the loan was made or to carry out approved changed operations.

Has disposed of security or EO property without Rural Development, has not cared properly for such property, has not accounted properly for such property or the proceeds from its sale, or taken some action which resulted in bad faith or other violations in connection with the loan.

Has progressed to the point to be able to obtain credit from other sources, and has agreed in the note or other instrument to do so but refuses to comply with that agreement.

EO property. Nonsecurity chattel property purchased, refinanced, or improved with EO loan funds.

EO property essential for minimum family living needs. Nonsecurity chattel or real property required to provide food, shelter, or other necessities for the family or to produce income without which the family would not have such necessities. This includes livestock, poultry, or other animals used as food or to produce food for the family or to produce income for minimum essential family living needs; modest amounts of real property needed for family shelter or to produce food or income for minimum essential family living needs, and items such as equipment, tools, and motor vehicles, which are of minimum value and are essential for family living needs or to produce income for that purpose. Any such item of a value in excess of the minimum need may be sold and a portion of the sale proceeds used to purchase a similar item of less value to meet such need. The remainder of the proceeds will be paid on the EO loan.

Farm income. Proceeds from the sale of chattel security which is normally sold annually during the regular course of business such as crops, feeder livestock and other farm products.

Farmer Program loans. These loans and Farm Ownership (FO), Operating (OL), Soil and Water (SW), Recreation (RL), Economic Emergency (EE), Emergency (EM), Economic Opportunity (EO) and Special Livestock (SL) loans and Rural Housing loans made for farm service buildings (RHF).

Foreclosure sale. Act of selling security either under the "Power of Sale" in the security instrument or through court proceedings.

Liquidation. The act of selling security or EO property to close the loan when no further assistance will be given; or instituting civil suit against a borrower to recover security or EO property or against third parties to recover security or its value or to recover amounts owed to Rural Development; or filing claims in bankruptcy or similar proceedings or in probate or administrative proceedings to close the loan.

Normal income security. All security not considered basic security, including crops, livestock, poultry products, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service payments and Commodity Credit Corporation payments, and other property covered by Farmers Home Administration or its successor agency under Public Law 103-354 liens that is sold in conjunction with the operation of a farm or other business, but shall not include any equipment (including fixtures in States that have adopted the Uniform Commercial Code), or foundation herd or flock. that is the basis of the farming or other operation, and is the basic security for a Rural Development farmer program loan.

Office of the General Counsel (OGC). The Regional Attorneys, Attorneys-in-Charge, and National Office staff of the Office of the General Counsel of the United States Department of Agriculture.

Purchase money security interest. Special type of security interest which, if properly perfected, takes priority over an earlier-perfected security interest. A security interest is a purchase money security interest to the extent that it is taken by the seller of the collateral to secure all or part of its purchase price or by a lender who makes loans or is obligated to make loans or otherwise gives value to enable the debtor to acquire the particular collateral or obtain rights in it. Such value must be given not later than the time the debtor acquires the collateral or obtains rights in it.

Repossessed property. Security or EO property in Rural Development's custody, but still owned by the borrower.

Security. Also means "Chattel security" when appropriate.

7 C.F.R. §1962.4

50 FR 45783, Nov. 1, 1985, as amended at 51 FR 13481, Apr. 21, 1986; 53 FR 35783, Sept. 14, 1988