50 C.F.R. § 218.15

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 218.15 - Requirements for monitoring and reporting
(a)Unauthorized take. Navy personnel will notify NMFS immediately (or as soon as operational security considerations allow) if the specified activity identified in § 218.10 is thought to have resulted in the serious injury or mortality of any marine mammals, or in any Level A harassment or Level B harassment of marine mammals not identified in this subpart.
(b)Monitoring and reporting under the LOA. The Navy will conduct all monitoring and reporting required under the LOA. The Navy will coordinate and discuss with NMFS how monitoring in the PMSR Study Area could contribute to the Navy's Marine Species Monitoring Program.
(c)Notification of injured, live stranded, or dead marine mammals. Navy personnel will consult the Notification and Reporting Plan, which sets out notification, reporting, and other requirements when dead, injured, or live stranded marine mammals are detected. The Notification and Reporting Plan is available at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/action/incidental-take-authorization-us-navy-testing-and-training-activities-point-mugu-sea-range.
(d)Pinniped monitoring plan on SNI. In consultation with NMFS, the Navy will implement a monitoring plan for beaches exposed to missile launch noise with the goal of assessing baseline pinniped distribution/abundance and potential changes in pinniped use of these beaches after launch events. Marine mammal monitoring shall include multiple surveys (e.g., time-lapse photography) during the year that record the species, number of animals, general behavior, presence of pups, age class, gender and reactions to launch noise or other natural or human caused disturbances, in addition to environmental conditions that may include tide, wind speed, air temperature, and swell. In addition, video and acoustic monitoring of up to three pinniped haulout areas and rookeries will be conducted during launch events that include missiles or targets that have not been previously monitored using video and acoustic recorders for at least three launch events. Video monitoring cameras would be either high-definition video cameras, or Forward-Looking Infrared Radiometer (FLIR) thermal imaging cameras for night launch events.
(e)Annual pinniped monitoring report on SNI. The Navy will submit an annual report to NMFS of the SNI rocket and missile launch activities. The draft annual monitoring report will be submitted to the Director, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, within 3 months after the end of the reporting year. NMFS will submit comments or questions on the draft monitoring report, if any, within 3 months of receipt. The report will be considered final after the Navy has addressed NMFS' comments, or 3 months after the submission of the draft if NMFS does not provide comments on the draft report. The report will summarize the launch events conducted during the year; assess any direct impacts to pinnipeds from launch events; assess any cumulative impacts on pinnipeds from launch events; and, summarize pinniped monitoring and research activities conducted on SNI and any findings related to effects of launch noise on pinniped populations.
(f)Annual PMSR Study Area Training and Testing Activity Report. Each year, the Navy will submit a detailed report PMSR (Annual Training and Testing Activity Report) to the Director, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, within 3 months after the one-year anniversary of the date of issuance of the LOA. NMFS will submit comments or questions on the report, if any, within 1 month of receipt. The report will be considered final after the Navy has addressed NMFS' comments, or 1 month after submission of the draft if NMFS does not provide comments on the draft report. The annual report will contain information on all sound sources used (total hours or quantity of each bin; total annual number of each type of explosive events; and total annual expended/detonated rounds (missiles, bombs, etc.) for each explosive bin). The annual report will also contain both the current year's data as well as explosive use quantity from previous years' reports. Additionally, if there were any changes to the explosive allowance in a given year, or cumulatively, the report will include a discussion of why the change was made and include analysis to support how the change did or did not affect the analysis in the 2022 PMSR Final Environment Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement ("FEIS/OEIS"; available at https://pmsr-eis.com/) and the analysis in the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) final rule (87 FR 40888, July 8, 2022). The annual report will also include the details regarding specific requirements associated with monitoring on SNI. The final annual/close-out report at the conclusion of the authorization period (year 7) will serve as the comprehensive close-out report and include both the final year annual use compared to annual authorization as well as a cumulative 7-year annual use compared to 7-year authorization. The detailed reports will contain the information identified in paragraphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section.
(1)Explosives. This section of the report will include the following information for explosive activities completed that year.
(i) Activity information gathered for each explosive event.
(A) Location by Special Use Airspace (e.g., Warning Area).
(B) Date and time exercise began and ended.
(C) Total hours of observation by Lookouts before, during, and after exercise.
(D) Total annual expended/detonated ordnance (i.e., missile, bombs etc.) number and types of explosive source bins detonated.
(E) Wave height in feet (high, low, and average) during exercise.
(F) Narrative description of sensors and platforms utilized for marine mammal detection and timeline illustrating how marine mammal detection was conducted.
(ii) Individual marine mammal observation (by Navy Lookouts) information for each sighting where mitigation was implemented.
(A) Date/time/location of sighting.
(B) Species (if not possible, indicate whale or dolphin).
(C) Number of individuals.
(D) Initial detection sensor (e.g., sonar or Lookout).
(E) Length of time observers maintained visual contact with marine mammal.
(F) Sea state.
(G) Visibility.
(H) Whether sighting was before, during, or after detonations/exercise, and how many minutes before or after.
(I) Distance of marine mammal from actual detonations (or target spot if not yet detonated): Less than 200 yd (183 m), 200 to 500 yd (183 m to 457 m), 500 to 1,000 yd (457 m to 914 m), 1,000 to 2,000 yd (914 m to 1,829 m), or greater than 2,000 yd (1,829 m).
(J) Lookouts will report, in plain language and without trying to categorize in any way, the observed behavior of the animal(s) (such as animal closing to bow ride, paralleling course/speed, floating on surface and not swimming etc.), including speed and direction and if any calves were present.
(K) The report will indicate whether explosive detonations were delayed, ceased, modified, or not modified due to marine mammal presence and for how long.
(L) If observation occurred while explosives were detonating in the water, indicate munition type in use at time of marine mammal detection.
(2)Summary of sources used. This section of the report will include the following information summarized from the authorized sound sources used in all training and testing events:
(i) Total annual quantity (per the LOA) of each explosive bin; and
(ii) Total annual expended/detonated ordnance (missiles, bombs, etc.) for each explosive bin.
(g)Final close-out report. The final (year 7) draft annual/close-out report will be submitted within 3 months after the expiration of this subpart to the Director, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS. NMFS will submit comments on the draft close-out report, if any, within 3 months of receipt. The report will be considered final after the Navy has addressed NMFS' comments, or 3 months after the submittal of the draft if NMFS does not provide comments.

50 C.F.R. §218.15

87 FR 40960, 7/7/2022 through 7/7/2029