43 C.F.R. § 2565.5

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 2565.5 - Sale of the land
(a)Public sale of unclaimed lots. After deeds have been issued to the parties entitled thereto the trustee will publish or post notice that he will sell, at a designated place in the town and at a time named, to be not less than 30 days from date, at public outcry, for cash, to the highest bidder, all lots and tracts remaining unoccupied and unclaimed at the date of the approval of final subdivisional townsite survey, and all lots and tracts claimed and awarded on which the assessments have not been paid at the date of such sale. The notice shall contain a description of the lots and tracts to be sold, made in two separate lists, one containing the lots and tracts unclaimed at the date of the approval of final subdivisional townsite survey and the other the lots and tracts claimed and awarded on which the assessments have not been paid. Should any delinquent allottee, prior to the sale of the lot claimed by him, pay the assessments thereon, together with the pro rata cost of the publication and the cost of acknowledging deed, a deed will be issued to him for such lot, and the lot will not be offered at public sale. Where notice by publication is deemed advisable the notice will be published once a week for 5 consecutive weeks in accordance with § 1824.3 of this chapter prior to the date of sale, and in any event copies of such notice shall be posted in three conspicuous places within the townsite. Each lot must be sold at a fair price, to be determined by the trustee, and he is authorized to reject any and all bids. Lots remaining unsold at the close of the public sale in an unincorporated town may again be offered at a fair price if a sufficient demand appears therefor.
(b)Sales to Federal, State and local governmental agencies.
(1) Any lot or tract in the townsite which is subject to sale to the highest bidder by the trustee pursuant to this section may in lieu of disposition at public sale be sold by the trustee at a fair value to be fixed by him to any Federal or State agency or instrumentality or to any local governmental agency or instrumentality of the State for use for public purposes.
(2) All conveyances under this section shall be subject to such conditions, limitations, or stipulations as the trustee shall determine are necessary or appropriate in the circumstances, including, where he deems proper, a provision for reversion of title to the trustee or his successor in interest. Any such provision for reversion of title, however, shall by its terms cease to be in effect 25 years after the conveyance.
(3) Conveyances under this section for lands within any incorporated city, town, village, or municipality may be made only after the proposed conveyance has received the approval of the city, town, or village council, or of the local official designated by such council. Such conveyances for lands within any unincorporated city, town, village or municipality may be made only after notice of the proposed conveyance, together with the opportunity to be heard, has been given by the proposed grantee to the residents or occupants thereof in accordance with the requirements for such notice in the case of the public sale of unclaimed lots in a trustee townsite. Any decision of the trustee which is adverse to a protest will be subject to the right of appeal under part 1840 of this chapter. Upon filing of an appeal pursuant to that part, action by the trustee on the conveyance will be suspended pending final decision on the appeal.

43 C.F.R. §2565.5