26 C.F.R. § 1.905-2

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 1.905-2 - Conditions of allowance of credit
(a)Forms and information.
(1) Whenever the taxpayer chooses, in accordance with paragraph (d) of § 1.901-1 , to claim the benefits of the foreign tax credit, the claim for credit shall be accompanied by Form 1116 in the case of an individual or by Form 1118 in the case of a corporation.
(2) The form must be carefully filled in with all the information called for and with the calculations of credits indicated. Except where it is established to the satisfaction of the district director that it is impossible for the taxpayer to furnish such evidence, the taxpayer must provide upon request the receipt for each such tax payment if credit is sought for taxes already paid or the return on which each such accrued tax was based if credit is sought for taxes accrued. The receipt or return must be either the original, a duplicate original, or a duly certified or authenticated copy. The preceding two sentences are applicable for returns whose original due date falls on or after January 1, 1988. If the receipt or the return is in a foreign language, a certified translation thereof must be furnished by the taxpayer. Any additional information necessary for the determination under part I (section 861 and following), subchapter N, chapter 1 of the Code, of the amount of income derived from sources without the United States and from each foreign country shall, upon the request of the district director, be furnished by the taxpayer. If the taxpayer upon request fails without justification to furnish any such additional information which is significant, including any significant information which he is requested to furnish pursuant to § 1.861-8(f)(5) as proposed in the FEDERAL REGISTER for November 8, 1976, the District Director may disallow the claim of the taxpayer to the benefits of the foreign tax credit.
(b)Secondary evidence. Where it has been established to the satisfaction of the District Director that it is impossible to furnish a receipt for such foreign tax payment, the foreign tax return, or direct evidence of the amount of tax withheld at the source, the District Director, may, in his discretion, accept secondary evidence thereof as follows:
(1)Receipt for payment. In the absence of a receipt for payment of foreign taxes there shall be submitted a photostatic copy of the check, draft, or other medium of payment showing the amount and date thereof, with certification identifying it with the tax claimed to have been paid, together with evidence establishing that the tax was paid for taxpayer's account as his own tax on his own income. If credit is claimed on an accrual method, it must be shown that the tax accrued in the taxable year.
(2)Foreign tax return. If the foreign tax return is not available, the foreign tax has not been paid, and credit is claimed on an accrual method, there shall be submitted-
(i) A certified statement of the amount shall be submitted-
(ii) Excerpts from the taxpayer's accounts showing amounts of foreign income and tax thereon accrued on its books.
(iii) A computation of the foreign tax based on income from the foreign country carried on the books and at current rates of tax to be established by data such as excerpts from the foreign law, assessment notices, or other documentary evidence thereof.
(iv) A bond, if deemed necessary by the District Director, filed in the manner provided in cases where the foreign return is available, and
(v) In case a bond is not required, a specific agreement wherein the taxpayer shall recognize its liability to report the correct amount of tax when ascertained, as required by the provisions of section 905 (c).

If at any time the foreign tax receipts or foreign tax returns become available to the taxpayer, they shall be promptly submitted to the district director.

(3)Tax withheld at source. In the case of taxes withheld at the source from dividends, interest, royalties, compensation, or other form of income, where evidence of withholding and of the amount withheld cannot be secured from those who have made the payments, the district director may, in his discretion, accept secondary evidence of such withholding and of the amount of the tax so withheld, having due regard to the taxpayer's books of account and to the rates of taxation prevailing in the particular foreign country during the period involved.
(c)Credit for taxes accrued but not paid. In the case of a credit sought for a tax accrued but not paid, the district director may, as a condition precedent to the allowance of a credit, require a bond from the taxpayer, in addition to Form 1116 or 1118. If such a bond is required, Form 1117 shall be used by an individual or by a corporation. It shall be in such sum as the Commissioner may prescribe, and shall be conditioned for the payment by the taxpayer of any amount of tax found due upon any redetermination of the tax made necessary by such credit proving incorrect, with such further conditions as the district director may require. This bond shall be executed by the taxpayer, or the agent or representative of the taxpayer, as principal, and by sureties satisfactory to and approved by the Commissioner. See also 6 U.S.C. 15 .

26 C.F.R. §1.905-2

T.D. 6500, 25 FR 11910, Nov. 26, 1960, as amended by T.D. 7292, 38 FR 33300, Dec. 3, 1973; 38 FR 34802, Dec. 19, 1973; T.D. 7456, 42 FR 1214, Jan. 6, 1977; T.D. 8210, 53 FR 23613, June 23, 1988; T.D. 8412, 57 FR 20653, May 14, 1992; T.D. 8759, 63 FR 3813, Jan. 27, 1998; T.D. 9882, 84 FR 69104, Dec. 17, 2019
T.D. 9882, 84 FR 69104, 12/17/2019