24 C.F.R. § 983.51

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 983.51 - Proposal and project selection procedures
(a)General procedures for submission and selection. The PHA Administrative Plan must describe the procedures for submission and selection of PBV proposals under the methods of competitive selection in paragraph (b) of this section and selection of projects under an exception to competitive selection under paragraph (c) of this section. The description must include under what circumstances the PHA will use the selection methods described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. The PHA may allow for entities that have site control to submit proposals provided the entity will be the owner prior to entering into the Agreement or HAP contract. Before selecting a PBV proposal or project, the PHA must determine that the PBV proposal or project complies with HUD program regulations and requirements, including a determination that the property is eligible housing (§§ 983.52 and 983.53 ), complies with the cap on the number of PBV units per project (§ 983.54 ), and meets the site selection standards (§ 983.55 ). An owner may submit, and a PHA may select, a single proposal covering multiple projects where each project consists of a single-family building, provided all projects are the same housing type (existing, rehabilitated, or newly constructed).
(b)Methods of competitive selection. The PHA must select PBV proposals in accordance with the selection procedures in the PHA Administrative Plan. (See paragraph (f) of this section for information about the selection of PHA-owned units.) The PHA must select PBV proposals by either of the following two methods:
(1) The PHA may issue a request for proposals (RFP), selecting a PBV proposal through a competition. The PHA's RFP may not limit proposals to a single site or impose restrictions that explicitly or practically preclude owner submission of proposals for PBV housing on different sites. A PHA may establish selection procedures in the Administrative Plan that combine or are in conjunction with other Federal, State, or local government housing assistance, community development, or supportive services competitive selection processes. If the PHA selection process is combined and administered in conjunction with another RFP process, the PHA remains responsible for complying with § 983.51 . See § 983.157(a)(2) for additional requirements for an RFP for rehabilitated housing.
(2) The PHA may select, without issuing an RFP, a proposal for housing assisted under a Federal, State, or local government housing assistance, community development, or supportive services program that required competitive selection of proposals, where the proposal has been selected in accordance with such program's competitive selection requirements within three years of the PBV proposal selection date. The PHA may not select a housing assistance proposal using this method if the competition involved any consideration that the project would receive PBV assistance.
(c)Exceptions to competitive selection. Prior to selection under this paragraph (c), the PHA must notify the public of its intent to noncompetitively select one or more projects for PBV assistance through its 5-Year Plan.
(1) A PHA engaged in an initiative to improve, develop, or replace a public housing property or site may select for PBV assistance an existing, newly constructed, or rehabilitated project in which the PHA has an ownership interest or over which the PHA has control without following a competitive process.
(i) With respect to replacement housing, the PHA does not have to replace the housing on the same site as the original public housing, but the number of contract units in the replacement project may not exceed the number of units in the original public housing project by more than a de minimis amount for this exception to apply.
(ii) The public housing properties or sites may be in the public housing inventory at the time of project selection or they may have been removed from the public housing inventory through any available legal removal tool within five years of the project selection date.
(2) A PHA may select for future PBV assistance a project currently under the public housing program, or a project that is replacing the public housing project, in which a PHA has no ownership interest, or which a PHA has no control over, without following a competitive process, provided:
(i) The public housing project is either still in the public housing inventory or had been removed from the public housing inventory through any available legal removal tool within five years of the project selection date;
(ii) The PHA that owned or owns the public housing project does not administer the HCV program;
(iii) The project selected for PBV assistance was specifically identified as replacement housing for the impacted public housing residents as part of the public housing demolition/disposition application, voluntary conversion application, or any other application process submitted to and approved by HUD to remove the public housing project from the public housing inventory; and
(iv) With respect to replacement housing, the PHA does not have to replace the housing on the same site as the original public housing, but the number of contract units in the replacement project may not exceed the number of units in the original public housing project by more than a de minimis amount for this exception to apply.
(3) A PHA may select for PBV assistance a project consisting of PHA-owned units as defined at 24 CFR 982.4 without following a competitive process.
(i) The project units must continue to meet the definition of PHA-owned for the initial two years of the HAP contract unless there is a transfer of ownership approved by HUD.
(ii) The PHA must meet any conditions with respect to selection for PBV assistance of a project consisting of PHA-owned units without following a competitive process as may be established by HUD through publication in the Federal Register notice after providing opportunity for public comment.
(4) A PHA may select for PBV assistance a project that underwent an eligibility event within five years of the project selection date, in which a family (or families) qualifies for enhanced voucher assistance under Section 8(t) of the Act and provides informed consent to relinquish its enhanced voucher for PBV assistance, without following a competitive process.
(d)Public notice of PHA request for PBV proposals. If the PHA will be selecting proposals under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, PHA procedures for selecting PBV proposals must be designed and actually operated to provide broad public notice of the opportunity to offer PBV proposals for consideration by the PHA. The public notice procedures may include publication of the public notice in a local newspaper of general circulation and other means designed and actually operated to provide broad public notice. The public notice of the PHA request for PBV proposals must specify the submission deadline. Detailed application and selection information must be provided at the request of interested parties.
(e)Inspections required prior to proposal or project selection.
(1) The PHA must examine the proposed site before the proposal or project selection date to determine whether the site complies with the site selection standards in accordance with § 983.55 .
(2) The PHA may execute a HAP contract for existing housing if:
(i) All proposed contract units in the project fully or substantially comply with the HQS on the proposal or project selection date, which the PHA must determine via inspection;
(ii) The project meets the environmental review requirements at § 983.56 , if applicable; and
(f)PHA written notice of proposal or project selection.
(1) For selection of proposals through competitive methods under paragraph (b) of this section, the PHA must give prompt written notice of proposal selection to the party that submitted a selected proposal and must also give prompt public notice of such selection. The PHA's requirement to provide public notice may be met via publication of the public notice in a local newspaper of general circulation or other means designed and actually operated to provide broad public notice. The written notice of proposal selection must require the owner or party that submitted the selected proposal to provide a written response to the PHA accepting the terms and requirements stated in the notice.
(2) For selection of projects through exceptions to competition under paragraph (c) of this section, the PHA must give prompt written notice of project selection to the owner following the PHA board's resolution approving the project-basing of assistance at the specific project. The written notice of project selection must require the owner of the project selected to provide a written response to the PHA accepting the terms and requirements stated in the notice.
(3) Regardless of the method of selection, if the project contains PHA-owned units that are not owned by a separate legal entity from the PHA, the PHA must provide the written notice of proposal or project selection to the responsible PHA official, and that official must certify in writing that the PHA accepts the terms and requirements stated in the notice.
(4) When an environmental review is required, if such a review has not been conducted prior to the project or proposal selection date, the PHA's written notice of project or proposal selection must state that the selection is subject to completion of a favorable environmental review and that the project or proposal may be rejected based on the results of the environmental review in accordance with 983.56(c).
(5) See § 983.153(c)(3) for additional notice requirements for newly constructed housing and rehabilitated housing.
(g)Proposal or project selection date.
(1) The proposal selection date is the date on which the PHA provides written notice to the party that submitted the selected proposal under either paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section.
(2) For properties selected in accordance with § 983.51(c) , the project selection date is the date of the PHA's board resolution approving the project-basing of assistance at the specific project.
(h)PHA-owned units. A PHA-owned unit may be assisted under the PBV program only if the HUD field office or the independent entity reviews the project selection process the PHA undertook and determines that the project was appropriately selected based on the selection procedures specified in the PHA Administrative Plan. Under no circumstance may a HAP contract be effective for any of the subsidized housing types set forth in § 983.53(a) . With the exception of projects selected in accordance with § 983.51(c) , the PHA's selection procedures must be designed in a manner that does not effectively eliminate the submission of proposals for non-PHA-owned units or give preferential treatment (e.g., additional points) to PHA-owned units.
(i)Public review of PHA selection decision documentation. The PHA must make documentation available for public inspection regarding the basis for the PHA selection of a PBV proposal.
(j)Previous participation clearance. HUD approval of specific projects or owners is not required. For example, owner proposal selection does not require submission of form HUD-2530 (Previous Participation Certification) or other HUD previous participation clearance.
(k)Excluded from Federal procurement. A PHA may not commit project-based assistance to a project if the owner or any principal or interested party is debarred, suspended subject to a limited denial of participation, or otherwise excluded under 2 CFR part 2424 or is listed on the U.S. General Services Administration list of parties excluded from Federal procurement or non-procurement programs.

24 C.F.R. §983.51

89 FR 38309, May 7, 2024, as amended at 89 FR 46020, May 28, 2024
89 FR 38309, 6/6/2024; 89 FR 46020, 6/6/2024