24 C.F.R. § 982.404

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 982.404 - Maintenance: Owner and family responsibility; PHA remedies
(a)Owner obligation.
(1) The owner must maintain the unit in accordance with HQS. A unit is not in compliance with HQS if the PHA or other inspector authorized by the State or local government determines that the unit has HQS deficiencies based upon an inspection, the agency or inspector notifies the owner in writing of the HQS deficiencies, and the deficiencies are not remedied within the appropriate timeframe.
(2) If the owner fails to maintain the dwelling unit in accordance with HQS, the PHA must take enforcement action in accordance with this section.
(3) If a deficiency is life-threatening, the owner must correct the deficiency within 24 hours of notification. For other deficiencies, the owner must correct the deficiency within 30 calendar days of notification (or any reasonable PHA-approved extension).
(4) In the case of an HQS deficiency that the PHA determines is caused by the tenant, any member of the household, or any guest or other person under the tenant's control, other than any damage resulting from ordinary use, the PHA may waive the owner's responsibility to remedy the violation. The HAP to the owner may not be withheld or abated if the owner responsibility has been waived. However, the PHA may terminate assistance to a family because of an HQS breach beyond damage resulting from ordinary use caused by any member of the household or any guest or other person under the tenant's control.
(b)Family obligation.
(1) The family may be held responsible for a breach of the HQS that is caused by any of the following:
(i) The family fails to pay for any utilities that the owner is not required to pay for, but which are to be paid by the tenant;
(ii) The family fails to provide and maintain any appliances that the owner is not required to provide, but which are to be provided by the tenant; or
(iii) Any member of the household or guest damages the dwelling unit or premises (damages beyond ordinary wear and tear)
(2) If the PHA has waived the owner's responsibility to remedy the violation in accordance with paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the following applies:
(i) If the HQS breach caused by the family is life-threatening, the family must take all steps permissible under the lease and State and local law to ensure the deficiency is corrected within 24 hours of notification.
(ii) For other family-caused deficiencies, the family must take all steps permissible under the lease and State and local law to ensure that the deficiency is corrected within 30 calendar days of notification (or any PHA-approved extension).
(3) If the family has caused a breach of the HQS, the PHA must take prompt and vigorous action to enforce the family obligations. The PHA may terminate assistance for the family in accordance with § 982.552 .
(c)Determination of noncompliance with HQS. The unit is in noncompliance with HQS if:
(1) The PHA or authorized inspector determines the unit has HQS deficiencies based upon an inspection;
(2) The PHA notified the owner in writing of the unit HQS deficiencies; and
(3) The unit HQS deficiencies are not corrected in accordance with the timeframes established in paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(d)PHA remedies for HQS deficiencies identified during inspections other than the initial inspection. This subsection covers PHA actions when HQS deficiencies are identified as a result of an inspection other than the initial inspection (see § 982.405 ). For PHA HQS enforcement actions for HQS deficiencies under the initial HQS inspection NLT or alternative inspection options, see §§ 982.405(j) and 982.406(e) , respectively.
(1) A PHA may withhold assistance payments for units that have HQS deficiencies once the PHA has notified the owner in writing of the deficiencies. The PHA must identify in its Administrative Plan the conditions under which it will withhold HAP. If the unit is brought into compliance during the applicable cure period (within 24 hours of notification for life-threatening deficiencies and within 30 days of notification (or other reasonable period established by the PHA) for non-life-threatening deficiencies), the PHA:
(i) Must resume assistance payments; and
(ii) Must provide assistance payments to cover the time period for which the assistance payments were withheld.
(i) The PHA must abate the HAP, including amounts that had been withheld, if the owner fails to make the repairs within the applicable cure period (within 24 hours of notification for life-threatening deficiencies and within 30 days of notification (or other reasonable period established by the PHA) for non-life-threatening deficiencies).
(ii) If a PHA abates the assistance payments under this paragraph, the PHA must notify the family and the owner that it is abating payments and that if the unit does not meet HQS within 60 days (or a reasonable longer period established by the PHA) after the determination of noncompliance in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, the PHA will terminate the HAP contract for the unit, and the family will have to move if the family wishes to receive continued assistance. The PHA must issue the family its voucher to move at least 30 days prior to the termination of the HAP contract.
(3) An owner may not terminate the tenancy of any family due to the withholding or abatement of assistance under paragraph (a) of this section. During the period that assistance is abated, the family may terminate the tenancy by notifying the owner and the PHA. If the family chooses to terminate the tenancy, the HAP contract will automatically terminate on the effective date of the tenancy termination or the date the family vacates the unit, whichever is earlier. The PHA must promptly issue the family its voucher to move.
(4) If the family did not terminate the tenancy and the owner makes the repairs and the unit complies with HQS within 60 days (or a reasonable longer period established by the PHA) of the notice of abatement, the PHA must recommence payments to the owner. The PHA does not make any payments to the owner for the period of time that the payments were abated.
(5) If the owner fails to make the repairs within 60 days (or a reasonable longer period established by the PHA) of the notice of abatement, the PHA must terminate the HAP contract.
(e)Relocation due to HQS deficiencies.
(1) The PHA must give any family residing in a unit for which the HAP contract is terminated under paragraph (d)(5) of this section due to a failure to correct HQS deficiencies at least 90 days or a longer period as the PHA determines is reasonably necessary following the termination of the HAP contract to lease a new unit.
(2) If the family is unable to lease a new unit within the period provided by the PHA under paragraph (e)(1) of this section and the PHA owns or operates public housing, the PHA must offer, and, if accepted, provide the family a selection preference for an appropriate-size public housing unit that first becomes available for occupancy after the time period expires.
(3) PHAs may assist families relocating under this paragraph (e) in finding a new unit, including using up to 2 months of the withheld and abated assistance payments for costs directly associated with relocating to a new unit, including security deposits, temporary housing costs, or other reasonable moving costs as determined by the PHA based on their locality. If the PHA uses the withheld and abated assistance payments to assist with the family's relocation costs, the PHA must provide security deposit assistance to the family as necessary. PHAs must assist families with disabilities in locating available accessible units in accordance with 24 CFR 8.28(a)(3) . If the family receives security deposit assistance from the PHA for the new unit, the PHA may require the family to remit the security deposit returned by the owner of the new unit at such time that the lease is terminated, up to the amount of the security deposit assistance provided by the PHA for that unit. The PHA must include in its Administrative Plan the policies it will implement for this provision.
(f)Applicability. This section is applicable to HAP contracts that were either executed on or after or renewed after June 6, 2024. For purposes of this paragraph, a HAP contract is renewed if the HAP contract continues beyond the initial term of the lease. For all other HAP contracts, § 982.404 as in effect on June 6, 2024 remains applicable.

24 C.F.R. §982.404

60 FR 34695, July 3, 1995, as amended at 60 FR 45661, Sept. 1, 1995
89 FR 38296, 6/6/2024

Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2577-0169