22 C.F.R. § 211.2

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 211.2 - Definitions
(a)A.I.D. means the Agency for International Development or any successor agency, including, when applicable, each USAID. USAID means an office of A.I.D. located in a foreign country. AID/W means the office of A.I.D. located in Washington, DC.
(b)Annual Estimate of Requirements or AER (Form A.I.D. 1550-3, Exhibit E, A.I.D. Handbook 9) is a statistical update of the Operational Plan which is signed by the cooperating sponsor requesting commodities under title II estimating the quantities required. When signed by AID/W, the AER together with the Food for Peace Program Agreement between A.I.D. and the cooperating sponsor, the approved Operational Plan, and this Regulation 11 form a donation agreement between A.I.D. and the cooperating sponsor with respect to the commodities included in the AER.
(c)CCC means the Commodity Credit Corporation, a corporate agency and instrumentality of the United States within the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
(1)Cooperating sponsor means an entity, within or without the United States, governmental or not, such as the foreign government, the American Red Cross, the intergovernmental organization, or the private voluntary organization or cooperative, which enters into an agreement with the U.S. Government for the use of agricultural commodities or funds.
(2)Governmental cooperating sponsor means a foreign government which has signed a Transfer Authorization under which agricultural commodities are donated for emergency purposes only. Governmental cooperating sponsors are treated here as a group separate from other cooperating sponsors since they are eligible only for emergency programs and their circumstances are different in such matters as rules governing shipping and in certain other aspects of agreements.
(3)Nongovernmental cooperating sponsor means a cooperating sponsor which is a private voluntary organization, a cooperative, the American Red Cross, or other private or public agency. An intergovernmental organization also is treated as a nongovernmental cooperating sponsor in this Regulation 11 unless the text or context indicates otherwise.
(e)Cooperative means a private sector organization whose members own and control the organization and share in its services and its profits and that provides business services and outreach in cooperative development for its membership.
(f)Diplomatic Posts means the offices of the Department of State located in foreign countries and may include Embassies, Legations, and Consular offices. Since A.I.D. is responsible for title II programs, references in this Regulation to Diplomatic Posts apply only with respect to those countries where there is no USAID.
(g)Disaster relief organizations means organizations which are authorized by AID/W, USAID or a Diplomatic Post to assist disaster victims.
(h)Disaster victims means persons who, because of flood, drought, fire, earthquake, other natural or man-made disasters, or extraordinary relief requirements, are in need of food, feed, or other assistance.
(i)Duty free means exempt from all customs duties, toll charges, taxes or governmental impositions levied on the act of importation.
(1)Food for Peace Program Agreement establishes a nongovernmental organization as a cooperating sponsor for which A.I.D. agrees to authorize future transfers of commodities in accordance with title II of Public Law 480 and Regulation 11 and the cooperating sponsor agrees to accept transfer of commodities in accordance with approved programs under title II and A.I.D. Regulation 11 and related procedures.
(2)Host Country Food for Peace Program Agreement means an agreement between the cooperating sponsor and the foreign government of each cooperating country which authorizes the cooperating sponsor to conduct activities there in a manner consistent with the terms and conditions set forth within this Regulation 11.
(3)Recipient Agency Agreement means a written agreement between the cooperating sponsor and a recipient agency prior to the transfer to the recipient agency of commodities, monetized proceeds, or other program income for distribution or implementation of an approved program.
(k)Free alongside ship (f.a.s.) includes all costs of transportation and delivery of the goods to the dock. "Free on board" (f.o.b.) includes costs for delivering the goods and loading them aboard the carrier at a specific location.
(l)Institutions means nonpenal, public or nonprofit private establishments that operate for charitable or welfare purposes where needy persons reside and receive meals including, but not limited to, homes for the aged, mentally and physically handicapped, refugee camps, and leprosy asylums.
(m)Intergovernmental organizations means agencies sponsored and supported by two or more nations, one of which is the United States.
(n)Marine salvage means the compensation made to those by whose assistance a vessel or its cargo has been saved from impending peril or recovered from actual loss.
(o)Monetized proceeds means funds generated from the sale of title II commodities in approved monetization programs. Monetized proceeds should be deposited in a special interest-bearing account for control and monitoring.
(p)Nonprofit means that the residue of income over operating expenses accruing in any activity, project, or program is used solely for the operation of such activity, project, or program.
(q)Operational Plan is a plan submitted by the cooperating sponsor or potential cooperating sponsor describing the proposed use of commodity and/or monetized proceeds and/or program income. All references in this Regulation to the Operational Plan shall include the AER that relates to such Operational Plan.
(r)Private voluntary organization means a not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization (in the case of a United States organization, an organization that is exempt from Federal Income Taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) that receives funds from private sources, voluntary contributions of money, staff time, or in-kind support from the public, and that is engaged or is planning to engage in voluntary, charitable or development assistance activities (other than religious activities).
(s)Program income means gross income earned by the cooperating sponsor or recipient agencies from activities supported under the approved program during the program period, including, but not limited to, interest earned on deposits of monetized proceeds, revenue from income generating activities, funds accruing from the sale of containers and nominal voluntary contributions by recipients made on the basis of ability to pay.
(t)Recipient agencies means schools, institutions, welfare agencies, disaster relief organizations, and public or private agencies whose food distribution functions or project activities are sponsored by the cooperating sponsor and which receive for distribution to eligible recipients commodities or monetized proceeds or program income for approved project activities. A cooperating sponsor may be a recipient agency.
(u)Recipients means persons who receive food assistance or the benefit of monetized proceeds or program income because of their economic or nutritional condition or who are otherwise eligible to receive commodities for their own use or other assistance in accordance with the terms and conditions of the approved Operational Plan or Transfer Authorization.
(v)Registered private voluntary organization or cooperative means a nonprofit private voluntary organization or cooperative registered with, and approved by, A.I.D. The term includes foreign as well as U.S. registered nonprofit voluntary organizations and cooperatives. For discussion of registration, see 22 CFR part 203 , A.I.D. Regulation 3, Registration of Agencies for Voluntary Foreign Aid. In reviewing and approving proposals, A.I.D., at its discretion, may give preference to registered private voluntary organizations and cooperatives over those that are not and to U.S. private voluntary organizations and cooperatives over those that are foreign.
(w)Transfer Authorization or TA means the document signed by the cooperating sponsor and A.I.D. which describes commodities and the program in which they will be used. The TA incorporates A.I.D. Regulation 11 and authorizes CCC to ship the commodities.
(x)USDA means the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
(y)Welfare agencies means public or private voluntary organizations that provide care, including food assistance, to needy persons who are not residents of institutions.

22 C.F.R. §211.2