18 C.F.R. § 385.2010

Current through August 31, 2024
Section 385.2010 - Service (Rule 2010)
(a)By participants.
(1) Any participant filing a document in a proceeding must serve a copy of the document on:
(i) Each person whose name is on the official service list, or applicable restricted service list, for the proceeding or phase of the proceeding; and
(ii) Any other person required to be served under Commission rule or order or under law.
(2) If any person receives a rejection letter or deficiency letter from the Commission, the person must serve a copy of the letter on any person previously served copies of the rejected or deficient filing.
(b)By the Secretary. The Secretary will serve, as appropriate:
(1) A copy of any complaint on any person against whom the complaint is directed;
(2) A copy of any notice of tariff or rate examination or order to show cause, on any person to whom the notice or order is issued;
(3) A copy of any rule or any order by a decisional authority in a proceeding on any person included on the official service list, or applicable restricted service list, for the proceeding or phase of the proceeding, provided that such person has complied with paragraph (g) of this section.
(c)Official service list.
(1) The official service list for any proceeding will contain:
(i) The name, address and, for proceedings commenced on or after March 21, 2005, e-mail address of any person designated for service in the initial pleading, other than a protest, or in the tariff or rate filing which is filed by any participant; and
(ii) The name of counsel for the staff of the Commission.
(2) Any designation of a person for service may be changed by following the instructions for the Commission's electronic registration system, located on its Web site at http://www.ferc.gov or, in the event that the proceeding was commenced prior to March 21, 2005, or the person designated for service is unable to use the electronic registration system, by filing a notice with the Commission and serving the notice on each person whose name is included on the official service list.
(d)Restricted service list.
(1) For purposes of eliminating unnecessary expense or improving administrative efficiency, the Secretary, an office director, or the presiding officer may establish, by order, a restricted service list for an entire proceeding, a phase of a proceeding, one or more issues in a proceeding, or one or more cases in a consolidated proceeding.
(2) Any restricted service list will contain the names of each person on the official service list, or the person's representative, who, in the judgment of the decisional authority establishing the list, is an active participant with respect to the proceeding or consolidated proceeding, any phase of the proceeding, or any issue in the proceeding, for which the list is established.
(3) Any restricted service list is maintained in the same manner as, and in addition to, the official service list under paragraph (c) of this section.
(4) Before any restricted service list is established, each person included on the official service list will be given notice of any proposal to establish a restricted service list and an opportunity to show why that person should also be included on the restricted service list or why a restricted service list should not be established.
(5) Any designation of a person for service on a restricted service list may be changed by filing written notice with the Commission and serving that notice on each person whose name is on the applicable restricted service list.
(e)Intervenors. If a motion to intervene or any notice of intervention is filed, the name, address and, for proceedings commenced on or after March 21, 2005, e-mail address of any person designated for service in the motion or notice are placed on the official service list or any applicable restricted service list, provided that such person has complied with paragraph (g) of this section. Any person placed on the official service list under this paragraph is entitled to service in accordance with this section. If a motion to intervene is denied, the name, address and e-mail address of each person designated for service pursuant to that motion will be removed from the official service list.
(f)Methods of service.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (g) of this section, service of any document in proceedings commenced prior to March 21, 2005, must be made by:
(i) Electronic means where the sender and recipient agree to such means;
(ii) United States mail, first class or better; or
(iii) Delivery in a manner that, and to a place where, the person on whom service is required may reasonably be expected to obtain actual and timely receipt.
(2) Except as provided in paragraph (g) of this section, service of any document in proceedings commenced on or after March 21, 2005, must be made by electronic means unless the sender and recipient agree otherwise or the recipient's e-mail address is unavailable from the official service list, except in the case of a recipient who has secured a waiver under the provisions of § 390.3 of this chapter, or is exempt under the provisions of § 390.4 of this chapter, or in the case of a protected or confidential document the security of which might be jeopardized by electronic service, in which case service upon that recipient or of that document only shall be made by:
(i) United States mail, first class or better; or
(ii) Delivery in a manner that, and to a place where, the person on whom service is required may reasonably be expected to obtain actual and timely receipt.
(3) Service of a document by electronic means shall be made by the transmission of a link to that document in the Commission's eLibrary system or by alternate means reasonably calculated to make the document available to required recipients. Alternate means may include but are not limited to, attachment of an electronic copy of the document to an e-mail or transmission of a link to an Internet site containing the document. It is the sender's responsibility to take reasonable steps to ensure that the means employed for service will be within the technological capabilities of the recipients.
(g)Methods of Service by the Secretary. Service by the Secretary shall be made by electronic means, unless such means are impractical, in which case service shall be made by United States mail.
(h)Electronic registration. In the case of proceedings commenced on or after March 21, 2005, any person, to be included on a service list, must have complied with the procedures for electronic registration made available on the Commission's Web site, at http://www.ferc.gov, unless such person has secured a waiver under the provisions of § 390.3 of this Chapter, or is exempt under the provisions of § 390.4 of this Chapter.
(i)Timing of service.
(1) Service is made under this section when the document served is deposited in the mail or is delivered in another manner.
(2) Service of any document must be made not later than the date of the filing of the document.
(3) In the case of a document served through a link to the Commission's eLibrary system, as specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, if a link to the document does not become available in eLibrary within two business days after the document is filed, the person responsible for serving the document must immediately serve the document by other means, as specified in paragraph (f)(1) or (f)(2) of this section.
(1) At the time any document required to be served is filed with the Commission, the original of a certificate of service must be attached to the document and a copy of the certificate must be attached to each copy of the document filed with the Commission.
(2) The certificate of service must conform to the following format:

I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon each person designated on the official service list [or the restricted service list, if applicable] compiled by the Secretary in this proceeding.

Dated at this

day of , 19 .


Name _______________________________


(if applicable)

Address _______________________________



Telephone No._______________________________

(k)Designation of corporate officials to receive service.
(1) Any entity subject to regulation by the Commission must designate at least one, but not more than two, corporate officials or other persons to receive service of complaints, petitions for declaratory order, show cause orders, data requests, investigatory letters or other documents where a person to receive service has not otherwise been designated under Commission regulations. Each entity must file with the Secretary of the Commission:
(i) The name of the corporate official or person that is to receive service;
(ii) The title of the corporate official or person, if applicable;
(iii) The address of the corporate official or person, including, where applicable, department, room number, or mail routing code;
(iv) The telephone number of the corporate official or person;
(v) The facsimile number of the corporate official or person, if applicable; and
(vi) The electronic mail address of the corporate official or person, if applicable.
(2) Each regulated entity has a continuing obligation to file with the Secretary of the Commission updated information concerning the corporate official or person designated to receive service.
(3) A list of corporate officials and persons designated to receive service pursuant to this paragraph will be maintained by the Secretary of the Commission and will be made available to the public in hard copy upon request and through the Commission's web site at http://www.ferc.gov.
(4) Any person who wishes to serve a complaint or petition for declaratory order on any entity regulated by the Commission must serve the corporate official or person designated pursuant to this paragraph (i).
(5) The Commission will serve show cause orders, data requests, investigatory letters or other documents on the corporate official or person designated under this paragraph (i).

18 C.F.R. §385.2010

Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982, as amended by Order 604, 64 FR 31496, June 11, 1999; Order 610, 64 FR 62582, Nov. 17, 1999; Order 647, 69 FR 32440, June 10, 2004; Order 653, 70 FR 8725, Feb. 23, 2005; 70 FR 21332, Apr. 26, 2005