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Slot Speaker Techs., Inc. v. Apple, Inc.

Aug 17, 2018
Case No. 13-cv-01161-HSG (N.D. Cal. Aug. 17, 2018)


Case No. 13-cv-01161-HSG




Re: Dkt. Nos. 363, 389, 397, 405, 409, 429, 433, 440, 442, 468, 473, 484, 486, 496, 500, 543

Pending before the Court are Plaintiff Slot Speaker Technologies, Inc.'s ("SST") administrative motions to file under seal various documents pursuant to Civil Local Rule 79-5. Dkt. Nos. 363, 389, 397, 405, 409, 429, 433, 440, 442, 468, 473, 484, 486, 496, 500, 543.


Courts generally apply a "compelling reasons" standard when considering motions to seal documents. Pintos v. Pac. Creditors Ass'n, 605 F.3d 665, 678 (9th Cir. 2010) (quoting Kamakana v. City & Cnty. of Honolulu, 447 F.3d 1172, 1178 (9th Cir. 2006)). "This standard derives from the common law right 'to inspect and copy public records and documents, including judicial records and documents.'" Id. (quoting Kamakana, 447 F.3d at 1178). "[A] strong presumption in favor of access is the starting point." Kamakana, 447 F.3d at 1178 (quotation omitted). To overcome this strong presumption, the party seeking to seal a judicial record attached to a dispositive motion must "articulate compelling reasons supported by specific factual findings that outweigh the general history of access and the public policies favoring disclosure, such as the public interest in understanding the judicial process" and "significant public events." Id. at 1178-79 (quotation omitted). "In general, 'compelling reasons' sufficient to outweigh the public's interest in disclosure and justify sealing court records exist when such 'court files might have become a vehicle for improper purposes,' such as the use of records to gratify private spite, promote public scandal, circulate libelous statements, or release trade secrets." Id. at 1179 (quoting Nixon v. Warner Commc'ns, Inc., 435 U.S. 589, 598 (1978)). "The mere fact that the production of records may lead to a litigant's embarrassment, incrimination, or exposure to further litigation will not, without more, compel the court to seal its records." Id.

The Court must "balance[] the competing interests of the public and the party who seeks to keep certain judicial records secret. After considering these interests, if the court decides to seal certain judicial records, it must base its decision on a compelling reason and articulate the factual basis for its ruling, without relying on hypothesis or conjecture." Id. Civil Local Rule 79-5 supplements the compelling reasons standard set forth in Kamakana: the party seeking to file a document or portions of it under seal must "establish[] that the document, or portions thereof, are privileged, protectable as a trade secret or otherwise entitled to protection under the law . . . The request must be narrowly tailored to seek sealing only of sealable material." Civil L.R. 79-5(b).

Records attached to nondispositive motions, however, are not subject to the strong presumption of access. See Kamakana, 447 F.3d at 1179. Because such records "are often unrelated, or only tangentially related, to the underlying cause of action," parties moving to seal must meet the lower "good cause" standard of Rule 26(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Id. at 1179-80 (quotation omitted). This requires only a "particularized showing" that "specific prejudice or harm will result" if the information is disclosed. Phillips ex rel. Estates of Byrd v. Gen. Motors Corp., 307 F.3d 1206, 1210-11 (9th Cir. 2002); see also Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c). "Broad allegations of harm, unsubstantiated by specific examples of articulated reasoning" will not suffice. Beckman Indus., Inc. v. Int'l Ins. Co., 966 F.2d 470, 476 (9th Cir. 1992) (quotation omitted).


SST's various documents and portions of documents are more than tangentially related to the underlying cause of action, and the Court therefore applies the "compelling reasons" standard. SST has provided a compelling interest in sealing portions of the various documents listed below because they contain confidential business and financial information relating to the operations and products of SST, Defendant Apple, Inc. ("Apple"), and/or third parties. See Apple Inc. v. Samsung Elecs. Co., Ltd., No. 11-CV-01846-LHK, 2012 WL 6115623 (N.D. Cal. Dec. 10, 2012); see also Agency Solutions.Com, LLC v. TriZetto Group, Inc., 819 F. Supp. 2d 1001, 1017 (E.D. Cal. 2011); Linex Techs., Inc. v. Hewlett-Packard Co., No. C 13-159 CW, 2014 WL 6901744 (N.D. Cal. Dec. 8, 2014) (holding sensitive financial information falls within the class of documents that may be filed under seal). SST has identified portions of the unredacted versions of Motions and exhibits as containing confidential business information; the Court finds this to be a sufficiently compelling reason to grant the below-indicated portions under seal.

For other documents listed below, SST has failed to narrowly tailor the redactions to confidential business information relating to SST and/or Apple products and business methods. SST requests the following portions of the various documents be sealed:

A number of SST's proposed redactions indicate contingency upon Apple filing a declaration in support of those portions sought to be redacted. As evidenced in the chart, the Court DENIES the sealing of documents relating to Apple CBI for which neither SST nor Apple has provided support. --------

Docket NumberPublic/(Sealed)


Portions Sought to be Sealed


No Public VersionFiled/(363-2)

SST's Motion for PartialSummary Judgment

Page 9 at lines 3-11, 13-14, 21,and 26-27; Page 10 at lines 1,2,and 26


No Public VersionFiled/(363-3-363-7)

Excerpts fromKyriakakis Rpt., Ex. 2

Page 154 at last line; Page 155 atlines 1-4; Page 159 at last 4 lines;Page 163 at lines 11-14;Paragraphs 199, 590, 701, 1040,1041, 1144-1145, 1248, and 1322


Entire documentsealed/(363-8)

Microsoft Data, Ex. 3

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(363-9)

Excerpts from Dr. ElliottReply Rpt., Ex. 4

Paragraph 126


No Public VersionFiled/(363-10)

Kyriakakis Depo., Ex. 5

Pages 58-63; Pages 83-84


No Public VersionFiled/(363-11)

Excerpts fromKyriakakis Rebuttal Rpt.,Ex. 6

Pages 331-332; Pages 345-346


No Public VersionFiled/(389-2)

SST's Opposition toApple's Motion to StrikeOpinions of Dr. Elliott

Page 4, lines 25 to 27; and page21, lines 4 to 5


No Public VersionFiled/(394-1)

Email thread, Ex. 2

Page 2, lines 31-36; page 3, lines1-4, 17, 30-36; page 4, lines 3, 7,9, 12; page 5, lines 1-16; page 6,lines 30-38; page 8, lines 18-20


No Public VersionFiled/(389-4)

Apple's supplementalobjections/responses toTHX's amended secondset of interrogatories, Ex.3

Page 11, lines 5 to 7, 10 to 11, 13,and 17 to 25; page 12, lines 1 to10; page 18, line 21; and page 19,line 1 and 16 to 18


No Public VersionFiled/(389-5)

SST'sobjections/responses toApple's corrected firstset of RFAs, Ex. 4

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(389-6)

Excerpts from ElliottRpt., Ex. 5

Paragraphs 97 to 101, 156 to 164,388, 405 to 407, 409(a), 414, 559to 560, 562, 564, 567 to 568, 576,580, 583, 588, 642 to 644, 645,651, 654 to 656, 659 to 661, 663to 664, 672, 674 to 675, 677, 680,687, 688, 690 to 691, 692 to 695,697, and 701 to 706, and 709 to715


No Public VersionFiled/(389-7)

Excerpts fromKyriakakis Rpt., Ex. 6

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(389-8)

Apple's supplementalobjections/responses toSST's amended secondset of interrogatories, Ex.7

Page 11, lines 9 to 11, 14 to 15,17, and 21 to 26; page 12, lines 1to 2, and 6 to 16; page 18, line 27;Page 19, lines 7, and 22 to 24;Page 42, lines 7 to 9, 12 to 14, 16,and 20 to 27; page 43, lines 5 to13; page 51, lines 12 and 19; page76, lines 3 to 5, 8 to 10, and 16 to23; page 77, lines 1 to 9; page 85,line 21; page 86, line 1; page 111,lines 19 to 21, and 24 to 27; page112, lines 1, 5 to 12, and 17 to 25;Page 121, lines 12 and 19; page148, line 16 to page 150, line 17;Page 153, lines 17 to 19, and 23 to25; page 154, lines 3 to 7; page191, line 27 to page 192, line 4


No Public VersionFiled/(389-9)

Excerpts from ElliottDepo., Ex. 8

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(389-10)

Excerpts from ElliottReply Rpt., Ex. 9

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(397-31)

SST's Opposition toApple's Mot. to ExcludeOpinions of Mody, Ex.

Page 4, lines 14-19; page 5, lines1-5, 7-9, 14, 15, 16, 21, 23, 26;Page 6, lines 5, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19-



20, 22; page 7, line 28; page 11,lines 12-13, 19-26; page 12, lines1-25, 27-28; page 13, lines 1-2;and page 16, lines 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12; page 11, lines 11-12, 18-26,Page 12, lines 1-21, 22-24, 26-28,Page 13, lines 1-2, page 14, lines11-13, 19-21, page 15, lines 18-23,and page 16, lines 7-12

No Public VersionFiled/(397-41)

SST's Opposition toApple's Mot. to ExcludeOpinions of Dansky, Ex.20

Page 2, lines 15- 20; page 4, lines17-26; page 14, line 4; and page23, lines 4-5, 8-9, 9-13, 13-15, and16-17; page 3, line 3; page 5, lines4, 23-24; page 6, line 8, 12; page7, line 14; and page 17, line 23


No Public VersionFiled/(397-43)

SST's Opposition toApple's Mot. to ExcludeOpinions of MacDonald,Ex. 21

Page 1, lines 15-17; page 5, lines24-26, 26-28; page 6, lines 1-2, 3-4, 6-8, 12-14, 18- 19; 20-21, 22-23, 24-26, 27-28; page 7, lines 3-7, 21-22, 22-26; page 19, line 25;Page 20, lines 1-2; and page 21,lines 19-22; page 8, line 19; page12, lines 23-27, 28; page 13, lines1, 16-17


No Public VersionFiled/(397-3)

Apple's supplementalobjections/responses toSST's Fifth set ofinterrogatories, Ex. 1

Page 9, lines 9-26; page 10, lines1-26; and page 11, lines 1-2; page40, lines 19-20, 26-27; page 41,lines 1-19; and page 44, lines 9-17


No Public VersionFiled/(397-5)

Excerpts from ElliottRpt., Ex. 2

Paragraphs 40, 41, 46, 48, 97-101,126, 130-146, 154-165, 168,heading above 173, 175-176, 183-185, 191-201, 204, 205, 212, 213,217, 224-226, 228, 236-237, 302,313-314, 327, 330-331, 336-339,351-353, 362, 364, 709-711, 795-799, 801-805, 807, 810- 813, 822,824-827, 829-830Pages I-21, paragraph 40; page I-22, paragraph 41; page I-24,paragraphs 46, 48; page I-25,paragraph 48; page I44,paragraphs 97-98; page I-45,paragraphs 98-99; page I-46,paragraphs 99-101; page I-47,paragraph 101; page I-63,paragraph 126; page I-64,paragraph 126; page I-66,paragraphs 130-31; page I-67,


paragraphs 131-33; page I-68,paragraphs 133-35; page I-69,paragraphs 135- 36; page I-70,paragraphs 136-398; page I-71,paragraphs 139-41; page I-72,paragraphs 141-42; page I-73,paragraphs 142-44; page I-74,paragraphs 144-45; page I-75,paragraphs 145-45; page I-81,paragraphs 154-55; page I-82,paragraphs 155-56; page I83,paragraphs 156-58; page I-84,paragraphs 158-61; page I-85,paragraphs 162-64; page I-86,paragraph 165; page I-87,paragraph 168; page I-91,subheading A; page I-92,paragraph 175; page I-93,paragraphs 175-76; page I-98,paragraphs 182-84; page I99,paragraphs 184-85; page I-103,paragraph 191; page I-104,paragraphs 191-92; page I-105,paragraphs 193-95; page I-109,paragraph 199; page I-110,paragraphs 199-201; page I-112,paragraphs 204-05; page I-118,paragraph 212; page I-119,paragraphs 212-13; page I-121,paragraph 217; page I-122,paragraphs 217; page I-126,paragraph 224; page I-127,paragraphs 224-25; page I-128,paragraphs 226, 228; page I-132,paragraph 236; page I-133,paragraphs 236-37; page II-2,paragraph 302; page II-7,paragraph 313; page II8,paragraphs 313-14; page II-16,paragraph 327; page II-18,paragraphs 330-31; page II-21,paragraph 336; page II-22,paragraph 336; page II-23,paragraph 339; page II-30,paragraphs 351-52; page II-31,paragraphs 352-53; page II-37,paragraph 362; page II-38,paragraphs 362, 364; page III-127,

paragraphs 709-10; page III-128,paragraph 711; page III-185,paragraph 795; page III-186,paragraphs 795-96; page III-187,paragraphs 796-97; page III-188,paragraphs 797-98; page III-189,paragraphs 798-99; page III-190,paragraph 801; page III-191,paragraphs 802-03; page III-192,paragraphs 803-04; page III-193,paragraph 805; page III-194,paragraph 807; page III-196,paragraph 810; page III-197,paragraph 810; page III-198,paragraph 811; page III-199,paragraphs 811-12; page III-200,paragraph 813; page III-205,paragraph 822; page III-206,paragraph 822; page III-207,paragraph 824; page III-208,paragraphs 825-26; page III-209,paragraphs 826-27; and page III-210, paragraphs 829-30

No Public VersionFiled/(397-7)

Excerpts from DanskyDepo., Ex. 3

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(397-9)

Excerpts from SitarDepo., Ex. 4

Page 34, lines 7-25; page 35, lines2-24; page 36, lines 2-3; page 37,lines 22-25; page 38, lines 2-7;Page 39, lines 15-25; page 40,lines 2-20, 22-25; page 41, lines 2-12, 15-25; page 42, lines 2-12, 15-24; page 43, lines 2-25; page 44,lines 2-25; page 45, lines 2-11, 13-25; page 66, lines 2-13, 18-25;Page 67, lines 2-25; page 68, lines2-25; page 69, lines 2-25; andPage 70, lines 2-25


No Public VersionFiled/(397-11)

Apple's amended andsupplementalobjections/responses toSST's first set ofinterrogatories, Ex. 5

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(397-13)

Excerpts from MewesDepo., Ex. 6

Page 27, lines 2-25; page 28, lines2-25; page 29, lines 2-25; page 42,lines 2-25; page 43, lines 2-25;Page 44, lines 2-25; and page 45,lines 2-12


No Public Version

Excerpts from

Pages 39-40 and 57-61



Malackowski RebuttalRpt., Ex. 7

No Public VersionFiled/(397-17)

Excerpts fromMalackowski Depo., Ex.8

Page 69, line 25; page 81, lines 9-12, 22-23; page 82, line 23; andPage 83, lines 17- 19


No Public VersionFiled/(397-19)

Apple's supplementalobjections/responses toSST's third set ofinterrogatories, Ex. 9

Page 7, lines 17-26; page 8, lines1-27; page 9, lines 1-27; page 10,lines 1-15, 16-21, 23-27; page 11,lines 1-22, 24-27; page 12, lines 1-4, 6-15, 17-27; and page 13, lines1-10


No Public VersionFiled/(397-21)

Apple's supplementalobjections/responses toSST's amended secondset of interrogatories, Ex.10

Page 148, lines 3-27; page 149,lines 1-27; page 150, line 1; andPage 153, lines 9- 10, 15-17


No Public VersionFiled/(397-23)

Excerpts from PorterDepo., Ex. 11

Page 46, lines 1-25; page 47, lines1-25; page 48, lines 1-25; page 49,lines 1-25; page 55, lines 1-25;Page 56, lines 1-25; page 57, lines1-25; page 58, lines 1-25; page 59,lines 1-16, 18-21, 23-25; page 60,lines 1-25; page 62, lines 1-25;Page 63, lines 1-25; page 64, lines1-16, 18-23, 25; page 65, lines 1-21, 23-25; page 66, lines 1-2, 4-25; page 67, lines 1-6, 8-12, 14-25; page 68, lines 1-25; page 69,lines 1-25; page 70, lines 1-25;Page 71, lines 1-25; page 212,lines 1-12, 14-15, 17-25; page213, lines 1-4, 6, 8-10, 12-15, 17,19- 21, 23-25; page 214, lines 1-25; page 215, lines 1-8, 10-11, 13-14, 16-20, 22-23, 25; page 216,lines 1-2, 4-6, 8-9, 11-18, 20-24;Page 217, lines 2-12, 14-16, 18,20- 22, 24-25; page 218, lines 1-8,10-11, 13-25; page 222, lines 1-7,10-25; page 223, lines 1-11, 14-22, 24-25; page 224, lines 2-4, 6-11, 13-15, 17-18, 20-24; page 225,lines 1-3, 5-10, 12-15, 17-25; page226, lines 1-5, 8-18, 20-25; page235, lines 1, 3-19, 21-23, 25; page236, lines 1-4, 6-9, 11-22, 24-25;Page 237, lines 1-4, 6-8, 10- 11,13-17, 19-24; page 238, lines 2-4,


6, 8-9, 11-25; page 241, lines 1-25; and page 242, lines 1- 25

No Public VersionFiled/(397-25)

Excerpts from WilkDepo., Ex. 12

Page 5, line 13; page 6, lines 4, 7-8, 11-12; page 70, lines 2-17, 18-21, 23-25; page 71, lines 2-16, 18,20-25; page 72, lines 2-19; page73, lines 16-25; page 92, lines 3-14, 16, 18-25; page 93, lines 2-25;Page 94, lines 2-16, 18-21, 23-25;Page 25, lines 2, 4-5, 7-14, 16-17,19-25; page 96, lines 2-12, 14, 16-18, 20-23, 25; page 97, lines 2-4,6-9, 11-14, 16-17, 19-25; and page98, lines 2-8, 10-11, 13-22, 24-25


No Public VersionFiled/(397-27)

Excerpts from DaveDepo., Ex. 13

Page 5, lines 13, 16, 19; page 6,lines 7, 10, 23; page 7, lines 19-20; page 60, lines 4-25; page 61,lines 2-9, 11-18, 20-21, 23-25;Page 62, lines 2-24; page 63, lines3-13, 15-24; page 64, lines 2-25;Page 65, lines 2-20; page 66, lines11-25; page 67, lines 2-12, 14-25;Page 359, lines 2-25; page 360,lines 3-25; and page 361, lines 2-13, 15-25


No Public VersionFiled/(397-29)

Excerpts from MihelichDepo., Ex. 14

Page 6, line 22; page 7, lines 13,18; page 8, line 5; page 102, lines2- 18, 21-25; page 103, lines 2-9,11-12, 14-23; page 104, lines 3-25; page 180, lines 2-25; page181, lines 2-25; page 182, lines 2-25; page 183, lines 2-25; page184, lines 2-25; page 185, lines 2-25; page 186, lines 2-5, 15-25;Page 187, lines 2-25; page 188,lines 2-25; page 189, lines 2-25;Page 395, lines 2-9, 11-25; page396, lines 2-25; page 397, lines 2-3; page 399, lines 17-25; page400, lines 2-7, 20-25; page 401,lines 2-4, 6-7, 9-18, 20-25; page402, lines 3-25; and page 403,lines 2-4, 5-21


No Public VersionFiled/(397-31)

Excerpts fromKyriakakis Rebuttal Rpt.,Ex. 15

Page 460, paragraph 552; page461, paragraph 553; and page 462,paragraph 554


No Public VersionFiled/(397-35)

Excerpts fromMacDonald Depo., Ex.

Entire document



No Public VersionFiled/(397-37)

Excerpts from SimonsonDepo., Ex. 18

Page 212, lines 22-23


No Public VersionFiled/(397-39)

iPhone slide deck, Ex. 19

Page APL-THX_0000053357


No Public VersionFiled/(397-45)

Excerpts from SimonsonRebuttal Rpt., Ex. 22

Entire document



SST's Reply in Supportof its Motion for PartialSummary Judgment

Portions of pages 1, 7-8, 13


No Public VersionFiled/(405-5)

Excerpts from ElliottReply Rpt., Ex. B

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(405-6)

Excerpts fromKyriakakis Rebuttal Rpt.,Ex. C

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-3)

SST's Mot. for Leave toSupplement Elliott Rpt.,Ex. A

Page 2, lines 1-6; page 9, lines 2-3, 8-11, 14-15; and page 11, lines7-9


No Public VersionFiled/(409-4)

Rodamaker Decl., Ex. B

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-5)

Koppenhoeffer Decl.,Ex. C

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-6)

Supplemental ElliottRpt., Ex. D

Paragraphs 14, 17, 23-27, 34, 36,and 39


No Public VersionFiled/(409-7)

Excerpts from ElliottRpt., Ex. E

Table of Contents subheadings I,L, M and paragraphs 388, 405-407, 409 subheading "a," 414,417, and 419-420


No Public VersionFiled/(409-8)

Email, Ex. F

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-9)

Email, Ex. G

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-10)

Email, Ex. H

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-11)

Email, Ex. I

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-12)

Email, Ex. J

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-13)

Email, Ex. K

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-14)

Email, Ex. L

Page 1


No Public VersionFiled/(409-15)

Email, Ex. M

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-16)

Email, Ex. N

Pages 2-3, 6, and 7-8


No Public VersionFiled/(409-17)

Email, Ex. O

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-18)

Excerpts from DaveDepo., Ex. P

Page 34, line 2 through page 37,line 22, and page 37, line 24


No Public VersionFiled/(409-19)

Email, Ex. Q

Pages 1 and 2


No Public VersionFiled/(409-20)

Excerpts from WilkDepo., Ex. R

Page 32, line 2 through page 42,line 16; page 42, lines 18-21; page42 line 23 through page 44, line23; page 44, line 25; page 53, line2 through page 54, line 17; page54, lines 19-20; page 54, line 22through page 56, line 25; page158, line 2 through page 160, line25; page 223, line 2; page 223,line 4 through page 224, line 25;and page 324, line 2 through page325, line 25


No Public VersionFiled/(409-21)

Email, Ex. S

Page 1


No Public VersionFiled/(409-22)

Email, Ex. T

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(409-23)

Email, Ex. U

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(429-2)

SST's Reply in Supportof Mot. for Leave toSupplement Elliott Rpt.,Ex. 1

Page 2, lines 19-21; page 5, lines27-28; and page 10, lines 10-12


No Public VersionFiled/(429-3)

Email, Ex. 2

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(433-3)

SST's Motion to StrikePortions of KyriakakisReport, Ex. 1

Page 16, lines 23-27; and page 18,lines 4-7 and 20-23


No Public VersionFiled/(433-4)

Kyriakakis Rpt., Ex. 2

Paragraphs 587, 698, 917, and1143


No Public VersionFiled/(433-5)

Excerpts fromKyriakakis Rebuttal Rpt.,Ex. 3

Page 415, paragraph 475, page460, paragraph 552, page 461,paragraph 553, and page 462,paragraph 554


No Public VersionFiled/(433-6)

Excerpts fromKyriakakis Depo., Ex. 4

Page 198, lines 23-25; page 326,line 16-25; page 327, lines 1-6 and9-25; page 328, lines 1-6; page329, line 25; page 330, lines 1-11and 16-20; page 332, lines 5-15;Page 334, lines 8-25; page 335,lines 6-10 and 14-25; page 336,lines 1-25; page 337, lines 1-25;Page 338, lines 1-13; page 339,lines 15- 22; page 344, lines 6-9and 22-23; page 345, lines 19-25;


Page 346, lines 1-5; page 347, line1; page 348, lines 1-25; page 349,lines 1-18; page 350, lines 6-25;Page 351, lines 1-11 and 23-25;Page 352, lines 1-25; page 353,lines 1-25; page 354, lines 1-25;Page 355, lines 1-25, page 356,lines 1-20 and 21-25; page 357,lines 2-25; page 358, lines 1-9;Page 380, lines 24-25; page 381,lines 1-25; page 382, lines 1-25;Page 383, lines 1-23; page 386,lines 19-25; page 387, lines 1- 15;Page 388, lines 5-25; and page389, lines 1-25

No Public VersionFiled/(440-3)

SST's Mot. to StrikePortions of Mauro Rpt.,Ex. 1

Page 2, lines 12-14; page 3, lines26-28; page 4, lines 1-8; page 9,lines 5-6; page 10, lines 7-9; andPage 11, lines 9-11, and 14-15


No Public VersionFiled/(440-4)

Excerpts from MauroRpt., Ex. 2

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(440-5)

Excerpts from FollmerRpt., Ex. 3

Pages 42-43, 49- 51, and 56-58


No Public VersionFiled/(440-6)

Excerpts from MauroDepo., Ex. 4

Page 262, lines 8-12; page 270,lines 13-25; and page 271, lines 2-10, and 12-13


No Public VersionFiled/(440-7)

Excerpts from PorterDepo., Ex. 5

Page 12, lines 1-25; page 13, lines1-25; page 14, lines 1-25; page209, lines 5-25; page 210, lines 1-3, 5-7, and 9-25; page 211, lines 1-25; page 212, lines 1-12, 14-15,and 17-25; page 213, lines 1-4, 6,8-10, 12-15, 17, 19-21, and 23-25;Page 214, lines 1-25; page 215,lines 1-8, 10-11, 13-14, 16-20, 22-23, and 25; page 223, lines 1-11,14-22, and 24-25; page 224, lines2- 4, 6-11, 13-15, 17-18, and 20-24; page 225, lines 1-3, 5-10, 12-15, and 17-25; and page 226, lines1-5, 8-14, 16-18, and 20-25


No Public VersionFiled/(440-8)

Excerpts from WilkDepo., Ex. 6

Page 91, lines 2-22 and 24; page92, lines 3-14, 16, and 18-25; page93, lines 2-25; and page 94, lines2-16, 18-21, and 23-25


No Public VersionFiled/(442-3)

SST's Mot. to ExcludeOpinions ofMalackowski, Ex. 1

Page i, lines 9-10; page 2, line 4;Page 3, lines 14, and 19-25; page4, lines 1-25; page 5, lines 1-28;


Page 6, lines 1, 6-8, and 10-15;Page 7, lines 7-16, and 28; page 8,lines 1-6, 11, and 18-28; page 9,lines 1-5, 13-14, 20-21, and 26-27;Page 10, lines 1-12, and 18- 23;Page 11, lines 14-17, 20-22, and27; and page 12, lines 1-3

No Public VersionFiled/(442-4)

Malackowski RebuttalRpt., Ex. 2

Pages 40, 46-61, 63-64, and 66-84; page 38, line 5; page 39, line39 to line 43; page 41, line 43 to45; page 42, line 1 to line 29; page42, line 45 to 46; page 42, line 54to 55; page 43, line 1 to line 34;Page 44, line 1 to 19; page 44, line37; page 44, line 39 to 40; page45, line 4 to line 24; page 45, line28; page 45, line 36 to 39; page62, line 1 to 2; page 62, line 19;Page 64, line 30 to 32; page 65,line 23 to 24;


Entire documentsealed /(442-5)

Patent license agreement,Ex. 3

Entire document


Entire documentsealed /(442-6)

Patent purchaseagreement, Ex. 4

Entire document


Entire documentsealed /(442-7)

Patent purchaseagreement, Ex. 5

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(442-8)

Excerpts from MewesDepo., Ex. 6

Page 111, lines 19-21; page 112,lines 4-12, and 20-25; page 113,lines 2-25; page 114, lines 9-17,and 19-25; page 115, lines 2-8, 13-17, and 23-25; page 116, lines 2-25; page 117, lines 2, 6-9, and 21-23; and page 118, lines 6-23


Entire documentsealed/(442-9)

SST agreement withRazer, Ex. 7

Entire document


Entire documentsealed/(442-10)

SST agreement withRazer, Ex. 8

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(442-11)

Excerpts fromMalackowski Depo., Ex.9

Page 167 line 6 to line 21; page167, line 25 to page 168, line 25;Page 169, line 6 to page 170, line22; page 171, line 2 to line 9; page88, line 13; page 89, lines 9-11,14-16, 18, and 21-14; page 90,lines 2-25; page 91, lines 2-5; page122, lines 2-9, 12-14, and 16-25;Page 123, lines 2-25; page 125,lines 16-18, and 22-24; page 126,lines 2-15, and 18-25; page 127,


lines 2-12, 14-19, and 23; page165, lines 11, 17, and 21-25; page166, lines 2-25; page 182, lines 6-25; page 183, lines 2-7, 10- 11,and 13-25; and page 184, lines 2-10

No Public VersionFiled/(442-12)

Excerpts fromKyriakakis Rebuttal Rpt.,Ex. 10

Page 462, paragraph 554; page464, heading A, and paragraphs561-64; page 465, heading B, andparagraphs 565-69; page 466,paragraphs 571-73; page 467,heading C, and paragraphs 574-77;Page 468, paragraphs 577-79; page469, heading D, and paragraphs579-82; page 470, heading E, andparagraphs 583-87; page 471,paragraphs 588-92; page 472,heading F, and paragraphs 592-96;Page 473, heading G, andparagraphs 596-99; page 474,paragraphs 600-03; page 475,heading H, and paragraphs 603-08; and page 476, paragraphs 608-09


No Public VersionFiled/(468-3)

SST's MIL 1, Ex. 1

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(468-4)

Apple's supplementalobjections/responses toSST's seventh set ofinterrogatories, Ex. 2

Entire document



Email , Ex. 3

Page 1, line 23 to line 24


No Public VersionFiled/(468-7)

Excerpts from TanDepo., Ex. 4

Page 86, lines 2-25; page 87, lines19-25; page 88, lines 2-25; page105, lines 2-5 and 7-25; and page106, lines 2-13, 15-16, and 19-22


No Public VersionFiled/(468-8)

Excerpts from IuliisDepo., Ex. 5

Page 48, lines 10-25; page 85,lines 2-5; page 87, lines 5-25; page130, lines 2-25; page 131, line 2-6and 15- 25; page 132, lines 2-25;Page 177, lines 2-25; page 178,lines 3-13; page 179, lines 15-25;Page 195, lines 2-25; page 196,lines 2-10 and 19-25; and page197, lines 2-3


No Public VersionFiled/(468-9)

Excerpts from MihelichDepo., Ex. 6

Page 395, lines 2-9 and 11-25;Page 396, lines 2-25; page 397,lines 2-3; page 400, lines 20-25;Page 401, lines 2-4, 6-7, 9-18, and


20-25; and page 427, lines 2-5

No Public VersionFiled/(468-10)

Excerpts from PorterDepo., Ex. 7

Page 252, lines 1-6 and 8-21; andPage 255, lines 8-25


No Public VersionFiled/(468-11)

Excerpts from DaveDepo., Ex. 8

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(473-3)

SST's Reply in Supportof Mot. to StrikeKyriakakis Rpt., Ex. 1

Page 5 at lines 13-25; page 6 atlines 1, 12-13, 15, 17-18, 23- 28;Page 7 at lines 1-7, 16; page 8 atlines 2-4, 28; page 10 at lines 1-10, 17-19, 21, 23-26; page 11 atlines 7-11, 13-15, 17-19, 28; page12 at lines 1-2, 4-5, 9-13, 21, 28;Page 13 at lines 6-7


No Public VersionFiled/(473-4)

Apple's supplementalobjections/responses toSST's amended secondset of interrogatories, Ex.2

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(473-5)

Apple's supplementalobjections/responses toSST's amended secondset of interrogatories, Ex.3

Page 11, lines 9-10, 14-15, 17, and21-25; page 12, lines 6 and 11;Page 19, line 7; page 42, lines 7-9,12-14, 16, and 20-24; page 43,lines 5 and 9; page 51, lines 12and 19; page 76, lines 3-5, 8-10,12, and 16-20; page 77, lines 1 and5; page 85, line 21; page 86, line1; page 111, lines 19-21 and 24-26; page 112, lines 1, 5-9, 17, and21; page 121, lines 12 and 19;Page 148, lines 17-22 and 24-26;Page 149, lines 1-27; page 150,lines 1-17; and page 153, lines 24-25


No Public VersionFiled/(473-6)

Excerpts from ElliottRpt., Ex. 4

Paragraph 795, lines 1-2, 5-20,and 22-23; paragraph 796, lines 1and 4-6; paragraph 797, lines 1-5and 18-20; paragraph 798, lines 1-7; paragraph 799, lines 5-15;paragraph 800, lines 1-11;subheading B.1; paragraph 801,lines 1-9; paragraph 802, lines 1-13; paragraph 803, lines 1-12;paragraph 804, lines 1-13;paragraph 805, lines 1-13;paragraph 807, lines 1-15;subheading B.2; page III-196,lines 1-2; subheading B.3;paragraph 809, lines 1-10;


paragraph 810, lines 1-4, 6-9, and11-18; subheading B.4; paragraph811, lines 1-22 and 24-28;subheading B.5; paragraph 812,lines 1-7 and 9-12; subheadingB.6; paragraph 813, lines 1-16;subheading B.7; paragraph 814,lines 1-2 and 4-5; paragraph 821,lines 1-7; paragraph 822, lines 1-2,4-9, 11-30, and 32-33; andparagraph 827, lines 1-3 and 7-8

No Public VersionFiled/(484-4)

SST's Reply in Supportof Mot. to Strike Portionsof Mauro Rpt., Ex. 1

Page 2, lines 25 to 26, page 6,lines 22 to 24, and page 7, lines 17to 20


No Public VersionFiled/(484-5)

Excerpts from MauroDepo., Ex. 2

Page 252, lines 5 to 8, 11 to 23,and 25, page 253, lines 2 to 4, and5 to 25, page 254, lines 2 to 7, and9, page 262, lines 8 to 12, page270, lines 13 to 25, and page 271,lines 2 to 10, and 12 to 13


No Public VersionFiled/(484-6)

Excerpts from WilkDepo., Ex. 3

Page 91, lines 2 to 22, and 24,Page 92, lines 3 to 14, 16, and 18to 25, page 93, lines 2 to 25, page94, lines 18 to 21, page 96, lines 7to 12, 14, 16 to 18, 20 to 23, and25, page 97, lines 2 to 4, 6 to 9, 11to 14, 16 to 17, and 19 to 25, page98 lines 2 to 8, 10 to 11, 13 to 22,and 24 to 25, and page 99, line 2


No Public VersionFiled/(486-3)

SST's Reply in Supportof Mot. to ExcludeOpinions ofMalackowski, Ex. 1

Page 6, lines 5-7; page 1, line 2,Page 3, line 9, page 5, lines 6 to 7,Page 6, lines 10 to 16, page 7,lines 16 to 17, page 8, lines 6 to 8,and 22 to 28, and page 9, lines 4 to5


No Public VersionFiled/(486-4)

Excerpts from MewesDepo., Ex. 2

Page 109, lines 11 to 12, page 111,line 21, page 113, lines 6, 15, 19,and 25, page 114, lines 23 to 24,Page 115, lines 5, 14, 16, and 25,and page 116, line 20


No Public VersionFiled/(486-5)

Apple's supplementalobjections/reponses toSST's amended secondset of interrogatories, Ex.3

Page 175, lines 14-16 Page 176line 9 to page 179 line 14 Page179 line 18 to page 182 line 18Page 182 line 19 to page 183 line11 Page 189 line 23 to page 191line 12


No Public VersionFiled/(486-6)

Apple's supplementalobjections/reponses to

Entire document


THX's amended secondset of interrogatories, Ex.4

No Public VersionFiled/(496-3)

SST's Opposition toApple's MIL 1, Ex. 1

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(496-4)

Excerpts from CrosbyDepo., Ex. 2

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(496-5)

Excerpts from MorishitaDepo., Ex. 3

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(496-6)

Excerpts from ElliottRpt., Ex. 4

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(500-3)

Excerpts from DanskyRpt., Ex. 1

Pages 16, 47 to 49, 54 to 55, 57 to62, 64 to 67, 106, and 111; pages46, 48 to 52, 88 to 89, and 95 to96; pages 87, 107, 108, and 110


No Public VersionFiled/(500-4)

Excerpts fromMalakowski RebuttalRpt., Ex. 3

Pages 67 and 68


No Public VersionFiled/(543-3)

SST's Opposition toApple's Mot. forAttorneys' Fees, Ex. 1

Page 21 line 19 to page 22 line 2;Page 4, lines 17-20, page 11, lines1-13 and 20-28, and page 20, line5


No Public VersionFiled/(543-4)

Excerpts fromKyriakakis Depo., Ex. 2

Page 161, lines 4, 8, and 10, andPage 162, line 13


No Public VersionFiled/(543-5)

Excerpts from WilkDepo., Ex. 3

Page 278, lines 3-25, page 279,lines 2-25, page 280, lines 2-25,Page 281, lines 2-25, and page282, lines 2-25


No Public VersionFiled/(543-6)

SST's supplementalresponses/objections toApple's first set ofinterrogatories, Ex. 4

Entire document


Entire documentsealed/(543-7)

SST's supplementalresponses/objections toApple's fifth set ofinterrogatories, Ex. 5

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(543-8)

Excerpts from RieglerDepo., Ex. 6

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(543-9)

THX's supplementalresponses/objections toApple's first set ofinterrogatories, Ex. 7

Entire document


No Public VersionFiled/(543-10)

Email, Ex. 8

Pages 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19-20, 23-24, 25, and 26


Entire documentsealed/(543-11)

Email, Ex. 9

Entire document


Entire documentsealed/(543-12)

Email, Ex. 10

Entire document



For the foregoing reasons, the Court GRANTS the following requests to file under seal: Dkt. Nos. 363, 433, 442, 484, and 500.

The Court GRANTS IN PART and DENIES IN PART the following requests to file under seal: Dkt. Nos. 389, 397, 405, 409, 429, 440, 468, 473, 486, and 543.

The Court DENIES Dkt. No. 496 as not sufficiently narrowly tailored.

For each document listed above indicating that no public version has been filed, the Court DIRECTS SST to file a version of for the public record that reflects the redactions described in the chart above. With respect to documents or portions of documents for which SST's motion to seal has been denied, the Court DIRECTS SST to file a complete version of the document for the public record.

IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: 8/17/2018



United States District Judge

Summaries of

Slot Speaker Techs., Inc. v. Apple, Inc.

Aug 17, 2018
Case No. 13-cv-01161-HSG (N.D. Cal. Aug. 17, 2018)
Case details for

Slot Speaker Techs., Inc. v. Apple, Inc.

Case Details

Full title:SLOT SPEAKER TECHNOLOGIES, INC., Plaintiff, v. APPLE, INC., Defendant.


Date published: Aug 17, 2018


Case No. 13-cv-01161-HSG (N.D. Cal. Aug. 17, 2018)