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Medure v. Vindicator Printing Co.

United States District Court, W.D. Pennsylvania
Nov 22, 2002
Civil Action No. 93-1914 (W.D. Pa. Nov. 22, 2002)


Civil Action No. 93-1914

November 22, 2002



In this civil action, plaintiff, Angelo Medure (Medure), seeks damages for defamation from defendants, The Vindicator Printing Company and Cory Armstrong (Armstrong). Presently, before the court are the parties' objections to the Amended Report and Recommendation of Magistrate Judge Ila Jeanne Sensenich (Magistrate Judge Sensenich) with respect to defendants' motion for summary judgment pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 56. For the reasons set forth below, Magistrate Judge Sensenich's Amended Report and Recommendation will be adopted in part and overruled in part, and judgment will be entered in defendants' favor as a matter of law.

This action was initiated by Medure and Gaming World International, Inc., in the Court of Common Pleas of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, on October 19, 1998. Defendants removed the action to this court on November 17, 1998, based on diversity jurisdiction.


Medure owns Gaming World International, Inc. (Gaming World), a company which was engaged in the business of developing and managing casinos on Indian reservations. In early 1992, Gaming World entered into a five-year contract to manage the Shooting Star Casino for the White Earth Band of Chippewa Indians (White Earth Band) in Mahnomen, Minnesota. This defamation action arises out of the November 13, 1997 publication of an article by Armstrong, who was a reporter for The Vindicator, a daily newspaper based in Youngstown, Ohio. In the article, Armstrong stated that the White Earth Band had terminated its contract with Gaming World in August, 1996, and that Gaming World had been "placed under FBI investigation on allegations of skimming $22 million from the casino."

Defendant The Vindicator Printing Company, an Ohio corporation, publishes The Vindicator.

In Count One of the complaint, Medure and Gaming World alleged that Armstrong's November 13, 1997 article was defamatory because it imputed criminal activity to them. In Count Two, Medure and Gaming World alleged that neither Medure nor Gaming World was a public figure or involved in a public controversy, and that defendants' conduct was malicious, wanton, willful, reckless, intentional and outrageous. Therefore, Medure and Gaming World requested an award of punitive damages.

When the action was removed by defendants from the Court of Common Pleas of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania to this court on November 17, 1998, it was referred to Magistrate Judge Sensenich for pretrial procedures. Based on a stipulation of the parties, all claims asserted against defendants by Gaming World, as well as all claims asserted by Medure for economic injuries, were dismissed on October 19, 1999. Thereafter, on January 31, 2000, defendants filed a motion for summary judgment pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 56.

On August 28, 2000, Magistrate Judge Sensenich filed a Report and Recommendation with respect to defendants' motion for summary judgment, recommending that the motion be denied. In summary, Magistrate Judge Sensenich recommended that the court make the following findings: (1) that Medure should not be deemed a limited purpose public figure for purposes of his defamation claim against defendants; (2) that, because Medure is a private figure in this case, defendants have the burden of proving that the statement in Armstrong's November 13, 1997 article regarding an FBI investigation was true, which cannot be decided by summary judgment; (3) that Pennsylvania law applies to Medure's defamation claim; (4) that defendants failed to demonstrate that the statement in Armstrong's November 13, 1997 article regarding an FBI investigation was substantially true; (5) that, with respect to defendants' argument that the challenged statement in Armstrong's November 13, 1997 article is protected by the "fair report" privilege, plaintiff has demonstrated the existence of a material fact as to whether defendants abused this privilege, precluding summary judgment in defendants' favor on this ground; (6) that the alleged defamatory statement in Armstrong's November 13, 1997 article is not protected by the "wire service" privilege pursuant to which republication of a news article published by a recognizable and reliable source of daily news cannot constitute defamation, unless the story was reproduced in a negligent manner; and (7) that the issue of whether the statement in question was "of and concerning" Medure is a question of fact for the jury.

The distinction between a plaintiff's status as a public or private figure is significant in a defamation case because a public figure plaintiff has to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant acted with actual malice, New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 279-80, 285-86 (1964), while a private figure plaintiff allegedly defamed in speech of a private concern need only demonstrate simple fault on the part of the defendant to recover damages, including punitive damages. Dun Bradstreet, Inc. v. Greenmoss Builders, Inc., 472 U.S. 749, 761, 764, 774 (1985). Based on Magistrate Judge Sensenich's recommendation that Medure not be deemed a limited purpose public figure in this case, she declined to consider defendants' argument that Medure has failed to produce clear and convincing evidence that they acted with actual malice, which would entitle defendants to summary judgment.

In contrast, a public figure plaintiff in a defamation case has the burden of proving that the statement at issue is false. Ertel v. Patriot-News Co., 674 A.2d 1038, 1041 (Pa. 1996).

Defendants filed objections to Magistrate Judge Sensenich's Report and Recommendation, and, after considering the memoranda and exhibits and depositions submitted in support of, and in opposition to, defendants' objections, Magistrate Judge Sensenich filed an Amended Report and Recommendation on December 1, 2000. Again, Magistrate Judge Sensenich recommended that defendants' motion for summary judgment be denied. However, Magistrate Judge Sensenich made several substantial substantive changes to her original Report and Recommendation. Specifically, in the Amended Report and Recommendation, Magistrate Judge Sensenich recommended the court find that (1) although the court was not bound by a decision of the Honorable Maurice B. Cohill, Jr. in a prior defamation case against different defendants that Medure was a limited purpose public figure, Medure should be deemed a public figure for purposes of a public controversy in this case based on, inter alia, the reasoning of Judge Cohill in that case (see Medure v. The New York Times Co., 60 F. Supp.2d 477 (W.D.Pa. 1999)); (2) based on Medure's status in this case as a limited purpose public figure, defendants are entitled to the heightened protections described by the United States Supreme Court in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 278-80 (1964), i.e., in order to recover damages, Medure has the burden of showing by clear and convincing evidence that defendants acted with actual malice; and (3) Medure has the burden of proving that the challenged statement in Armstrong's November 13, 1997 article was false.

Medure's defamation action against The New York Times Company and its subsidiary, The Press Democrat, arose out of two newspaper articles published in the summer of 1993 in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, a Santa Rosa, California newspaper owned and published by The New York Times Company. The articles related to Medure's involvement in a partnership to develop a gambling casino at the Fountaingrove Country Club, which is located in Santa Rosa's wealthiest neighborhood. Medure alleged that he was defamed by the defendants in that action because the articles implied that he was linked to organized crime. Judge Cohill granted summary judgment for the defendants in that action, finding that Medure was a limited purpose public figure for purposes of all statements in the articles at issue, and that Medure failed to show that the defendants acted with actual malice under Pennsylvania law. Medure appealed Judge Cohill's decision, and, while the appeal was pending before the Third Circuit, the parties settled the action.

Subsequently, objections to Magistrate Judge Sensenich's Amended Report and Recommendation were filed by Medure and defendants, and the court heard oral argument on the objections. After consideration of the parties' arguments, as well as the materials submitted in support of, and in opposition to, their respective objections, the court adopts Magistrate Judge Sensenich's amended recommendation that Medure be deemed a limited purpose public figure for purposes of this lawsuit based on her thorough analysis of the issue in the Amended Report and Recommendation. However, the court declines to adopt Magistrate Judge Sensenich's recommendation that defendants' motion for summary judgment be denied with respect to their argument that Medure has failed to show actual malice by clear and convincing evidence.


For purposes of defendants' motion for summary judgment on the issue of actual malice, the following facts are undisputed:

Medure resides in New Castle, Pennsylvania. In 1991, Medure incorporated Gaming World for the purpose of managing Indian casinos. The first Indian casino managed by Gaming World was the Shooting Star Casino, which opened in Mahnomen, Minnesota in May, 1992. The Shooting Star Casino was owned by the White Earth Band of the Chippewa Indians (the White Earth Band). (Medure's Depo., pp. 7, 11-13).

In March, 1992, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, an agency of the United States Department of the Interior that had regulatory authority over the operation of Indian casinos, approved a five-year management agreement between Gaming World and the White Earth Band. Subsequently, the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC), also an agency of the United States Department of the Interior, assumed regulatory authority over the operation of Indian casinos. (Medure Depo., p. 16).

In August, 1993, U.S. News World Report (US News) published an article written by James Popkin (Popkin) titled: "Gambling with the Mob? Wise guys have set their sights on the booming Indian casino business". In this article, Popkin discusses, among other things, Medure's management of the Shooting Star Casino in Mahnornen, Minnesota, indicating that the FBI became suspicious of, and began investigating, Medure when it learned that Medure was leasing a New Castle, Pennsylvania warehouse to a pasta firm that was run in the 1980s by reputed mobsters. The article implied that mobsters, through individuals and entities such as Medure and Gaming World, were attempting to infiltrate the lucrative Indian casino business. (Dfs' Exh. 91)

Based on the publication of Popkin's article regarding alleged mafia infiltration of Indian-owned casinos and the article's indication that Medure was linked to organized crime, on September 24, 1993, Medure and Gaming World filed a defamation action against Popkin and US News in the Court of Common Pleas of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (the US News case). The Vindicator's New Castle Bureau covered the US News case from its inception. (Df's Exhs. 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 80-87).

In January, 1994, Armstrong joined the staff of The Vindicator as a reporter. She began her employment with the newspaper in The Vindicator's main office in Youngstown, Ohio. At her request, Armstrong was transferred to The Vindicator's New Castle Bureau in January, 1996. (Armstrong Depo., pp. 12, 18).

On August 12, 1996, a newly constituted White Earth Band tribal council passed a resolution in response to an investigation of the reservation's finances in which Medure and Gaming World and Darrell "Chip" Wadena, Jerry Rawley, Rick Clark, Paul "Poncho" Williams and Tony Wadena, the members of the former tribal council, were accused of "looting the casino treasury." The resolution concluded as follows:

* * *

It is ordered that:

*All relationships with Angelo Medure/Gaming World be terminated, and that the White Earth Band is to assume total control of the casino — all of its contracts, employees and properties of every kind;
*Angelo Medure/Gaming World be immediately and summarily removed;

*Any and all funds due him be impounded; and

*He be stripped of all authority in connection with any manner in which he might purport to act on behalf of the White Earth, the White Earth Reservation Tribal Council, and the operation, maintenance, supervision, finances and financial affairs of the Shooting Star Casino.

It is further ordered that:

Based upon [the estimated loss of monies], preliminary to a final audit, attorneys for the White Earth Band commence litigations to recover the purloined monies from Angelo Medure/Gaming World and [the former tribal council]. The estimated amount due White Earth from the above-mentioned is approximately $22 million, the equivalent of $5,500 (five thousand, five hundred) for every member of the reservation. Since the tribe is currently $6 million in debt as a result of the previous council's theft, the recovery would leave the White Earth Band with a $16 million surplus of cash.
There are, of course, millions of dollars unaccounted for by the prior tribal council and by Angelo Medure/Gaming World, which will be the subject of an ongoing search by auditors, accountants, attorneys and employees of the new tribal council and, hopefully, by state and federal officials.

* * *

(Dfs' Exh. 5).

After passage of the above-quoted resolution on August 12, 1996, neither Medure nor any other individual associated with Gaming World returned to the Shooting Star Casino. (Medure Depo., pp. 32-34).

On August 14, 1996, The Vindicator published an article concerning the White Earth Band's allegations against Gaming World arising out of its management of the Shooting Star Casino. The article began as follows: "Federal gambling regulators will examine allegations that an Ellwood City management company took more profits than allowed at an Indian tribe's casino in Minnesota." (Dfs' Exh. 79). This article, including the reference to an examination by "[f]ederal gambling regulators" was based on an Associated Press release of the same date. The Associated Press release quoted Michael Cox, general counsel for the NIGC in Washington, D.C., as stating: "We are certainly interested in what is taking place and . . . (will) decide if we need to conduct an investigation of our own." (Dfs' Exh. 27)

Armstrong did not write the August 14, 1996 article for The Vindicator.

With regard to the White Earth Band's allegations against Medure and Gaming World, in a declaration submitted in support of defendants' motion for summary judgment, Erma J. Vizenor states:

* * *

1. I am the Secretary-Treasurer of the White Earth Reservation Tribal Council aka the White Earth Reservation Business Committee, a position I have held since July 1996.
2. On August 12, 1996, the White Earth Reservation Tribal Council adopted a Resolution, an accurate copy of which is attached as Exhibit 5.
3. Immediately following the adoption of the Resolution, copies of the Resolution was (sic) sent to approximately 30-40 press organizations including television, radio, and print media outlets. Copies were also distributed throughout the White Earth Reservation. The Resolution is also available for copying and inspection to any person upon request.
4. Following the adoption of the Resolution on August 12, 1996, the Tribal Council contacted the National Indian Gaming Commission; U.S. Attorney, Department of Justice; the Office of the Inspector General, Department of the Interior; and the Minnesota Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs to inform them of the Tribal Council's August 12, 1996 Resolution and the situation with respect to Gaming World International. A copy of the Resolution was sent or faxed to each of these agencies.
5. Following these contacts, Tom Foley of the National Indian Gaming Commission ("NIGC") contacted the Tribal Council to arrange a meeting with the Tribal Council.
6. In September or October 1996, the Tribal Council met at the Shooting Star Casino with Tom Foley and another representative of the NIGC. The Tribal Council informed the NIGC representatives of the Tribal Council's position with respect to the monies taken by Gaming World International. The Tribal Council also gave the NIGC representatives copies of documents and reports prepared by the accountant hired by the Tribal Council to investigate the monies paid the Gaming World International. The NIGC representatives asked questions of the Tribal Council concerning the management contracts between the tribe and Gaming World International.
7. During this meeting the Tribal Council requested the NIGC's assistance in recovering the money paid to Gaming World International from the Shooting Star Casino.

(Dfs' Exh. 9)

On January 30, 1997, Armstrong's first article about the US News case filed by Medure and Gaming World in the Court of Common Pleas of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania was published by The Vindicator. In the article, Armstrong described the nature of the lawsuit, as well as the damages sought by the plaintiff's. The article stated in relevant part:

* * *

Gaming World: Medure runs Gaming World International Ltd. in Ellwood City. At the time [of the alleged defamation by US News], the company had been managinq the Shooting Star Casino for the White Earth Band Indian tribe in Minnesota.
Gaming World was fired in August, 1996, however, after the tribe accused it of taking $22 million in profits from the casino. Federal regulators have been looking into the allegations, although Medure has denied any wrongdoing. (Emphasis added).

* * *

(Dfs' Exh. 80)

The trial of the US News case commenced on November 3, 1997. On that day, Armstrong wrote another article about the US News case for The Vindicator, noting that jury selection was scheduled to commence that morning. Again, Armstrong described the nature of the lawsuit and the damages sought by Medure and Gaming World. Armstrong also repeated the White Earth Band's allegations against Gaming World, which she had addressed in the January 30, 1997 article in The Vindicator. She also stated, again, that "[f]ederal regulators have been looking into the allegations." (Dfs' Exh. 82).

Armstrong wrote additional articles concerning the trial of the US News case on November 4, 1997 and November 5, 1997. However, neither of these articles state that federal regulators were looking into the White Earth Band's allegations against Medure and Gaming World. (Dfs' Exhs. 83 and 84).

On November 8, 1997, The Vindicator published another article written by Armstrong about the trial of the US News case. With respect to the allegations against Medure and Gaming World by the new tribal council of the White Earth Band arising out of Gaming World's management of the Shooting Star Casino, Armstrong stated in relevant part: "[Gaming World] has since been fired and placed under FBI investigation for allegedly skimming $22 million from the casino." (Dfs' Exh. 85). Thus, in addition to changing "federal regulators" to "FBI," Armstrong's November 8, 1997 article stated that Gaming World was actively being investigated, rather than stating that federal regulators had been asked to investigate the allegations of the White Earth Band. In this respect, Armstrong claims that she made a mistake. (Armstrong Depo., p. 139).

On Thursday, November 13, 1997, The Vindicator published the article by Armstrong which is the subject of this lawsuit. The article at issue is entitled: "Medure, magazine settle suit". In the article, Armstrong stated, inter alia, that the attorneys for the parties in the US News case had announced on Wednesday that the case had settled "[a]fter closed-door meetings much of Tuesday." Armstrong indicated that details of the settlement would not be reported because the parties' settlement agreement included a confidentiality provision. Armstrong again described the nature of the US News article that led to the lawsuit, and she again reported that, at the time of the publication of the US News article, Gaming World had been managing the Shooting Star Casino, and that "[Gaming World] has since been fired and placed under FBI investigation on allegations of skimming $22 million from the casino." (Dfs' Exh. 87). Prior to the publication of Armstrong's November 13, 1997 article, the article was reviewed by The Vindicator's assistant regional editor, Tom Wills. (Paglia Depo., p. 19).

In this connection, in a declaration filed in support of defendants' motion for summary judgment, Armstrong states: ". . . Declarant does not know exactly what caused her, when she was writing the November 8 article about the U.S. News trial, to refer to the "FBI" instead of "federal regulators," except that it was an inadvertent error. Declarant did not realize the error when she was writing the November 8 article or when she was writing the November 13, 1997 article." Armstrong also states in her declaration that she "did not actually entertain serious doubts about the truth or accuracy of those passages;" that, "[b]etween the date of the publication of the November 8, 1997, article , and the date of the publication of the November 13, 1997. article, no one asserted to declarant that there was any falsehood or mistake in the [statement at issue in this case];" that she "was not conscious of any mistake in these passages when she wrote them or when The Vindicator circulated them in the newspaper," and that at no time did she "bear any ill will or hostility toward [Medure], nor did she write any article about him with the desire to injure him or with a motive to injure him." (Dfs' Exh. 95, ¶¶ 12, 16, 21 and 23).

On Friday, November 14, 1997, Medure read Armstrong's November 13, 1997 article about the settlement of his lawsuit against US News in The Vindicator. Subsequently, Medure called Armstrong to complain; however, he declined to identify the portion of the article with which he was upset. (Medure Depo., pp. 111-12).

On January 30, 1998, Medure's attorney sent a letter to Betty H. Brown Jagnow, the President/Publisher of The Vindicator, stating:

Dear Ms. Jagnow:

Our firm has been retained by Angelo Medure and Gaming World International, Ltd. to pursue an action for defamation against The Vindicator and Cory Armstrong in connection with an article titled "Medure, magazine settle suit" which was published in The Vindicator, Volume 109 Number 74 on November 13, 1997. The article contains false and malicious statements regarding Mr. Medure and his company.
We have tried to contact the author of the article, Ms. Cory Armstrong, numerous times without success. If you have insurance for defamation claims, please put your carrier on notice of this claim and request that a representative contact me. Otherwise, please have your attorney contact me directly to discuss this claim.

Contrary to counsel's statement in his January 30, 1998 letter that he had attempted to contact Armstrong on numerous occasions without success, Armstrong maintains that she had exchanged telephone messages with Medure's counsel; however, they never spoke. (Armstrong Depo., p. 174). Moreover, in a memo to her supervisor on February 2, 1998, Armstrong stated: . . . . . I do not recall any return call from [Medure's attorney] after my second attempt to reach him. When I didn't hear from [Medure's attorney], I dropped the issue." (Armstrong Depo., Exh. 14).

(Dfs' Exh. 17).

On February 27, 1998, counsel for The Vindicator sent a letter to Medure's counsel, which stated:

Below is a proposed correction and apology for publication by The Vindicator. We are interested in your comments about it. It is:
A November 13, 1997 story incorrectly reported that the FBI was investigating Gaming World International, a management company owned by Ellwood City businessman Angelo Medure, in connection with an Indian casino the company operated in Minnesota. The Vindicator has no information that either Gaming World or Medure has been under an FBI investigation, other than a routine background investigation. The Vindicator apologizes for the error.
Presumably, publication of the above correction and apology will end the matter. I solicit your advice that your client will not bring suit against The Vindicator after publication of the above correction and apology.

(Dfs' Exh. 18).

Medure's counsel responded to the February 27, 1998 letter of counsel for The Vindicator by letter dated April 6, 1998. A revision of The Vindicator's proposed correction and apology was enclosed with the letter. The letter of Medure's counsel noted, however, that the publishing of an apology by The Vindicator should not be construed as a waiver or release of Medure's claim for damages from The Vindicator for defamation. (Dfs' Exh. 19).

Despite counsel's revision of the correction and apology proposed by The Vindicator, on Sunday, April 19, 1998, The Vindicator published a correction and apology that was virtually identical to its original proposal. The correction and apology stated:


A Nov. 13, 1997 story incorrectly reported that the FBI was investigating Gaming World International, a management company owned by Ellwood City business Angelo Medure, in connection with an Indian casino the company operated in Minnesota. The Vindicator had no information that either Gaming World or Medure had been under the FBI investigation described. The Vindicator apologizes for the error.

(Dfs' Exh. 88).

Several months later, this action was initiated by Medure and Gaming World.


In New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964), a libel suit brought by a public official against a newspaper, the Supreme Court held that constitutional guarantees require a federal rule "that prohibits a public official from recovering damages for a defamatory falsehood relating to his official conduct unless he proves that the statement was made with `actual malice' — that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not." Id. at 279-80. The Supreme Court has extended this constitutional standard beyond public officials to include public figures. See Schiavone Construction Co. v. Time, Inc., 847 F.2d 1069, 1076 (3d Cir. 1988), citing, Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts, 388 U.S. 130, 155 (1967) (plurality opinion).

With respect to the propriety of deciding the issue of "actual malice" in the context of a summary judgment motion, in Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242 (1986), a not-for-profit corporation and self-described "citizens' lobby" and its founder filed a libel action against a magazine, its publisher and its chief executive officer. The action arose out of articles published in the magazine which portrayed the plaintiff's as neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, racist and Fascist. The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants based on its conclusions that (a) the plaintiff's were limited purpose public figures, and, therefore, the actual malice standard announced by the Supreme Court in New York Times applied, and (b) the thorough investigation and research of the author of the articles, together with his reliance on numerous sources, precluded a finding of actual malice. The plaintiff's appealed, and the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia affirmed in part and reversed in part. Although the Court of Appeals noted that the plaintiff's did not challenge the district court's ruling that they were limited purpose public figures and that they were thus required to prove their case under the New York Times standard, the Court of Appeals nevertheless held that for purposes of summary judgment the requirement that actual malice be proved by clear and convincing evidence, rather than by a preponderance of the evidence, was irrelevant. Certiorari was granted, and the Supreme Court vacated and remanded the case based on its conclusion that the Court of Appeals had not applied the correct standard in reviewing the district court's grant of summary judgment. The Supreme Court stated in relevant part:

* * *

Just as the "convincing clarity" requirement is relevant in ruling on a motion for a directed verdict, it is relevant in ruling on a motion for summary judgment. When determining if a genuine factual issue as to actual malice exists in a libel suit brought by a public figure, a trial judge must bear in mind the actual quantum and quality of proof necessary to support liability under New York Times. For example, there is no genuine issue if the evidence presented in the opposing affidavits is of insufficient caliber or quantity to allow a rational finder of fact to find actual malice by clear and convincing evidence.

* * *

In sum, we conclude that the determination of whether a given factual dispute requires submission to a jury must be guided by the substantive evidentiary standards that apply to the case. This is true at both the directed verdict and summary judgment stages. Consequently, where the New York Times "clear and convincing" evidence requirement applies, the trial judge's summary judgment inquiry as to whether a genuine issue exists will be whether the evidence presented is such that a jury applying that evidentiary standard could reasonably find for either the plaintiff or the defendant. Thus, where the factual dispute concerns actual malice, clearly a material issue in a New York Times case, the appropriate summary judgment question will be whether the evidence in the record could support a reasonable jury finding either that the plaintiff has shown actual malice by clear and convincing evidence or that the plaintiff has not. (footnote omitted).
477 U.S. at 254-55.

Applying this standard in the present case, the court concludes that defendants are entitled to a judgment in their favor as a matter of law.


To explain her conduct with respect to the alleged defamatory statement in the November 8 and November 13, 1997 articles published in The Vindicator, Armstrong claims that she made a mistake. Specifically, during her deposition, Armstrong testified as follows:

* * *

A. . . . As far as the FBI investigation, I can't say specifically where that — now, somehow in my head in all the writing I was doing about [the US News case], when I saw federal regulators, which is what appears in November 3, somehow in my head I transposed that to be FBI. It was a mistake, and it's very regrettable.

* * *

(Armstrong Depo., p. 106).

Similarly, in the declaration she submitted in support of summary judgment, Armstrong states:

* * *

12. The sentence "Federal regulators have been looking into the allegations" in the November 3 article (Exh. 82) is the sentence from which declarant derived the November 8 passage about the FBI investigation. Declarant does not know exactly what caused her, when she was writing the November 8 article about the U.S. News trial, to refer to the "FBI" instead of "federal regulators," except that it was an inadvertent error. Declarant did not realize the error when she was writing the November 8 article or when she was writing the November 13, 1997 article.

* * *

16. At the time upon which declarant wrote the passages quoted in the above paragraphs 9 through 13, declarant did not actually entertain serious doubts about the truth or accuracy of those passages. Declarant was not conscious of any mistake in these passages when she wrote them or when The Vindicator circulated them in the newspaper.

* * *

(Dfs' Exh. 95).

Medure attempts to discredit Armstrong's claim of mere mistake, contending that Armstrong's deposition testimony "directly contradicts" statements made in the declaration submitted in support of her motion for summary judgment. In this connection, the court agrees with defendants that a side-by-side comparison of the relevant portions of Armstrong's deposition testimony and her declaration reveals no contradictions. (Defendants' Reply, pp. 11-14). Also, with respect to Armstrong's claim of mistake, the court notes defendants' suggestion of a possible basis for the alleged mistake. Specifically, the article at issue in the US News case stated: "The FBI is investigating a Pennsylvania asphalt-company owner [Medure] who manages a major casino in Minnesota and is expanding into tribal gambling in California. . . ." (Dfs' Exh. 91) Moreover, Armstrong attended a significant portion of the trial of the US News case and references to the FBI were made on several occasions. In fact, on November 6, 1997, Medure played a tape of a conversation between Popkin, the writer of the challenged US News article, and Henry Zottola, a reputed mobster, in which Henry Zottola states that FBI agents had asked him questions about Medure. Armstrong's November 8, 1997, the first article stating that Medure had been placed under FBI investigation, was written on November 7, 1997, the day after the tape was played in the US News trial. (Dfs' Memorandum in Support, pp. 16-17, and Dfs' Exhs. 13, 14, 15 and 16).

A mistake is clearly insufficient to support a finding of actual malice. See, e.g., Ocala Star-Banner Co. v. Damron, 401 U.S. 295 (1971) (error resulting from editor's "mental aberration" insufficient to meet New York Times standard) Rather, in order to defeat defendants' motion for summary judgment on the issue of actual malice, Medure has the burden of producing "sufficient evidence to permit the conclusion that [defendants] in fact entertained serious doubts as to the truth of [the] publication." Time, Inc. v. Pape, 401 U.S. 279, 291-92 (1971), quoting, St. Amant v. Thompson, 390 U.S. 727, 731 (1967). He has failed to do so.

Medure argues that Armstrong's decision to change the words in her November 8 and November 13, 1997 articles without any investigation or attempt to confirm the alleged FBI investigation constitutes clear and convincing evidence of actual malice on her part. (Pl's Memorandum in Support, p. 4 n1). In essence, Medure is arguing that Armstrong's conduct was unreasonable. This argument, however, was squarely rejected by the Supreme Court in Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc. v. Connaughton, 491 U.S. 657, 666 (1988) (showing of highly unreasonable conduct constituting an extreme departure from the standards of investigation and reporting ordinarily adhered to by responsible publishers insufficient to show actual malice)

Next, Medure asserts that defendants "totally ignore the `reckless disregard' standard in their Memorandum" in support of defendants' objections to Magistrate Judge Sensenich's Amended Report and Recommendation. (Pl's Response, p. 9). Contrary to this assertion, however, defendants' precise argument is that Medure has failed to meet the New York Times standard for showing actual malice, which includes a "reckless disregard" for the truth.

In St. Amant v. Thompson, 390 U.S. 727 (1967), the Supreme Court held that in order to find that a defendant acted in "reckless disregard" of whether a defamatory statement which he made about a public official is false within the meaning of New York Times, there must be sufficient evidence to permit the conclusion that the defendant had serious doubts as to the truth of his publication. The Supreme Court stated in relevant part:

* * *

. . ."Reckless disregard," it is true, cannot be fully encompassed in one infallible definition. Inevitably its outer limits will be marked out through case-by-case adjudication, as is true with so many legal standards for judging concrete cases, whether the standard is provided by the Constitution, statutes, or case law. Our cases, however, have furnished meaningful guidance for the further definition of a reckless publication. In New York Times, supra, the plaintiff did not satisfy his burden because the record failed to show that the publisher was aware of the likelihood that he was circulating false information. In Garrison v. Louisiana, 379 U.S. 64 (1964), also decided before the decision of the Louisiana Supreme Court in this case, the opinion emphasized the necessity for a showing that a false publication was made with a "high degree of awareness of . . . probable falsity." 379 U.S., at 74. Mr. Justice Harlan's opinion in Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts, 388 U.S. 130, 153 (1967), stated that evidence of either deliberate falsification or reckless publication "despite the publisher's awareness of probable falsity" was essential to recovery by public officials in defamation actions. These cases are clear that reckless conduct is not measured by whether a reasonably prudent man would have published, or would have investigated before publishing. There must be sufficient evidence to permit the conclusion that the defendant in fact entertained serious doubts as to the truth of his publication. Publishing with such doubts shows reckless disregard for truth or falsity and demonstrates actual malice.

* * *

390 U.S. at 730-31.

In the present case, Medure has failed to produce any evidence, let alone clear and convincing evidence, that Armstrong had "serious doubts" as to the truth of the challenged statement in her November 8 and November 13, 1997 articles.

Citing the decision of the Supreme Court in Harte-Hanks, supra, Medure further argues that Armstrong made a deliberate decision not to acquire the truth in order to make her articles more sensational. (Pl's Response, p. 10). However, as noted by defendants, the evidence presented to the court "in Harte-Hanks is not even remotely analogous to the evidence here." (Defendants' Reply, pp. 15-18).

In Harte-Hanks, the respondent, Daniel Connaughton, was the unsuccessful challenger for the position of municipal judge in Hamilton, Ohio. A local newspaper published by the petitioner, Harte-Hanks Communications, Inc., supported the reelection of the incumbent municipal judge. Shortly before the election, the incumbent's director of court services resigned and was arrested on bribery charges, and a grand jury investigation of those charges was in progress on November 1, 1983. On that day, the petitioner ran a front-page story quoting Alice Thompson (Thompson), a grand jury witness, as stating that the respondent had engaged in "dirty tricks" by offering her and her sister, Patsy Stephens (Stephens), jobs and a trip to Florida "in appreciation" for their assistance in the grand jury investigation of the incumbent judge's director of court services. The respondent sued the petitioner for libel, asserting that the story was false, caused damage to his personal and professional reputation and had been published with actual malice.

The jury in Harte-Hanks found by a preponderance of the evidence that the story in question was false and defamatory and by clear and convincing evidence that the story was published with actual malice. As a result, the jury awarded both compensatory and punitive damages. On appeal, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit affirmed the judgment. Subsequently, certiorari was granted and the Supreme Court affirmed the judgment. The Supreme Court noted, among other things, that the petitioner's managing editor instructed a group of the newspaper's reporters to interview all of the witnesses to the conversation between the respondent and Thompson with one exception — Stephens — the only witness who was not a supporter of the respondent. In this regard the Supreme Court stated: "It is utterly bewildering in light of the fact that the [petitioner] committed substantial resources to investigating Thompson's claims, yet chose not to interview the one witness who was most likely to confirm Thompson's account of the events." 491 U.S. at 682. The Supreme Court noted that, if the petitioner had serious doubts about the truth of Thompson's allegations, but was committed to running the story, there was good reason not to interview Stephens — "while denials coming from [the respondent's] supporters might be explained as motivated by a desire to assist [the respondent], a denial coming from Stephens would quickly put an end to the story." 491 U.S. at 682. The Supreme Court further noted that the petitioner's decision not to listen to the tapes of the interview between the respondent and Thompson and Stephens in the respondent's home, which had been provided to the petitioner, also supported a finding of actual malice because much of what Thompson said about the interview in which she and Stephens were allegedly offered jobs and a trip to Florida by the respondent could easily have been verified or disproved by listening to the tapes. The Supreme Court stated that one might reasonably infer in light of the evidence presented that "the decision not to listen to the tapes was motivated by a concern that they would raise additional doubts concerning Thompson's veracity." 491 U.S. at 684. In addition, the Supreme Court noted than Thompson's most serious charge — that the respondent intended to confront the incumbent judge with the tapes to scare him into resigning and otherwise not disclose the tapes — was not only highly improbable, but inconsistent with the fact that the respondent had actually arranged a lie detector test for Stephens and then delivered the tapes to the police. Moreover, "[t]he hesitant, inaudible, and sometimes unresponsive and improbable tone of Thompson's answers to various leading questions raise[d] obvious doubts about her veracity." 491 U.S. at 691. Clearly, the evidence presented to the court in Harte-Hanks is distinguishable from the evidence in this case.

Finally, the court notes its agreement with defendants that the burden of proving that Armstrong's alleged defamatory statement was false is on Medure, and he has failed to offer evidence to meet that burden. Regarding the issue of falsity, in his response to defendants' objections to Magistrate Judge Sensenich's Amended Report and Recommendation, Medure states: "Any contention that plaintiff has not met his burden of proving falsehood is just shy of ridiculous in light of defendants' retraction." (Pl's Response, p. 2). The Vindicator's retraction, however, stated, in relevant part, that the newspaper "had no information that either Gaming World or Medure had been under the FBI investigation described." This statement is very different from a statement indicating that, in fact, neither Gaming World nor Medure had been under an FBI investigation in connection with the management of the Shooting Star Casino.

Medure also contends that he introduced evidence during the trial of the US News case "refuting the existence of any FBI investigation." (Pl's Response, p. 5). In support of this contention, Medure cites pages 14 and 15 of his deposition in this case, rather than his testimony during the trial of the US News case. In any event, a review of those pages of Medure's deposition testimony fails to reveal any reference to the FBI. Rather, during this portion of his deposition, Medure was responding to questions about the approval by the Bureau of Indian Affairs of his agreement with the White Earth Band to manage its casino. (Medure's Depo., pp. 14-15).

Medure also makes statements such as "[w]ithout question, the newspaper was on notice that the FBI had never placed Medure under investigation," and "[t]o the extent that it is plaintiff's burden to prove falsity, which plaintiff denies, plaintiff introduced substantial evidence that Medure had not been placed under FBI investigation in November of 1997." (Pl's Response, pp. 9, 14). However, he fails to cite any evidence that supports these statements.

Finally, Medure asserts that the declaration of Erma J. Vizenor, the Secretary/Treasurer of the White Earth Band's tribal council since July, 1996, which was submitted by defendants in support of their objections to Magistrate Judge Sensenich's Amended Report and Recommendation (Dfs' Exh. 9) indicates that ". . . despite the Tribe's best efforts, the FBI refused to conduct any investigation into their allegations." (Pl's Response, p. 16). This assertion clearly is not supported by Ms. Vizenor's declaration.

In conclusion, after reviewing the materials submitted in support of, and in opposition to, the parties' respective objections to Magistrate Sensenich's Amended Report and Recommendation, the court concludes that a jury applying the clear and convincing evidentiary standard to the evidence of record in this case could not reasonably find for Medure. Accordingly, judgment will be entered in favor of defendants and against Medure.

An order follows.


AND NOW, this 22nd day of November, 2002, in accordance with the foregoing memorandum, it is hereby ORDERED as follows:

1. The motion of defendants, The Vindicator Printing Company and Cory Armstrong, for summary judgment pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 56 is granted.

2. The Clerk shall enter judgment in favor of defendants and against plaintiff, Angelo Medure.

Summaries of

Medure v. Vindicator Printing Co.

United States District Court, W.D. Pennsylvania
Nov 22, 2002
Civil Action No. 93-1914 (W.D. Pa. Nov. 22, 2002)
Case details for

Medure v. Vindicator Printing Co.

Case Details


Court:United States District Court, W.D. Pennsylvania

Date published: Nov 22, 2002


Civil Action No. 93-1914 (W.D. Pa. Nov. 22, 2002)

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