Jackson v. Comm'r

6 Cited authorities

  1. Gregory v. Helvering

    293 U.S. 465 (1935)   Cited 1,445 times   7 Legal Analyses
    Holding that when the form of a transaction does not comport with its substance, the substance of the transaction controls for tax liability purposes
  2. Connell's Estate

    282 Pa. 555 (Pa. 1925)   Cited 38 times

    January 26, 1925. March 16, 1925. Taxation — Inheritance tax — Whether property is an asset of estate — Jurisdiction of orphans' court — Act of June 20, 1919, P. L. 521 — Gift inter vivos — Stock certificate — Power of attorney — Custody — Dividends — Stamps — Acts of May 5, 1911, P. L. 126; June 4, 1915, P. L. 828. 1. Where an appeal is taken from an appraisement of property for purposes of the inheritance tax on the ground of an improper inclusion of a supposed asset of the decedent in the appraisement

  3. Kaufmann's Estate

    127 A. 133 (Pa. 1924)   Cited 37 times

    October 14, 1924. November 24, 1924. Appeals — Findings of facts by orphans' court — Inferences — Presumption. 1. Findings of fact by the orphans' court when supported by competent evidence are as binding on the appellate court as the verdict of a jury. 2. If there is no testimony to support a finding made, or if that reached, is inconsistent with another as to a material matter, it cannot be sustained; and the inferences, deductions or conclusions from reasonings have no binding effect on appeal

  4. In re Bauernschmidt's Estate

    97 Md. 35 (Md. 1903)   Cited 30 times
    In Re Bauernschmidt's Estate, 97 Md. 35, at p. 65, it is said: "Whilst in order to perfect the title of a life tenant to the securities and money not included in her account as executrix, it is necessary that they should pass through a due course of administration; still she had an inchoate title which it was competent for her to assign.
  5. Raub's Estate

    134 A. 451 (Pa. 1926)   Cited 5 times

    May 10, 1926. June 26, 1926. Husband and wife — Transfer of stock to wife — Gift — Presumption — Rebuttal of presumption — Taxation — Inheritance tax. 1. Where a husband transfers stock to his wife, and the wife transfers the certificate issued to her to her husband, and delivers it to him without consideration, a presumption arises that he held the stock in trust for her. 2. Such presumption, however, is rebutted, if it appears that the husband, on the delivery of the stock to him, placed it in

  6. In re the Judicial Settlement of the Account of Crawford

    113 N.Y. 560 (N.Y. 1889)   Cited 26 times
    In Matter of Crawford (113 N.Y. 560) it was held that where an intention to make a gift of coupon bonds was shown, and the bonds were registered in the name of the alleged donee, that as the donor retained the actual possession of the bonds, the alleged gift was not sustained.