3 Cited authorities

  1. Section 1101 - Definitions

    8 U.S.C. § 1101   Cited 16,635 times   91 Legal Analyses
    Finding notice and comment rulemaking is required for the agency's interim rule recognizing fear of coercive family practices as basis for refugee status
  2. Section 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

    8 U.S.C. § 1182   Cited 9,870 times   69 Legal Analyses
    Holding deportable aliens who have been convicted of "crimes involving moral turpitude"
  3. Section 41.41 - Crewmen

    22 C.F.R. § 41.41   Cited 3 times

    (a)Alien classifiable as crewman. An alien is classifiable as a nonimmigrant crewman upon establishing to the satisfaction of the consular officer the qualifications prescribed by INA 101(a)(15)(D), provided that the alien has permission to enter some foreign country after a temporary landing in the United States, unless the alien is barred from such classification under the provisions of INA 214(f). (b)Alien not classifiable as crewman. An alien employed on board a vessel or aircraft in a capacity